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This library provides a comprehensive set of global and country-specific tools, guidance, and other resources to support oxygen scale-up and long-term respiratory care planning.

Africa Medical Supplies Platform

TOOL | Africa Medical Supplies Platform enables the discovery, payment, and fulfillment of critical medical equipment by authorized African government entities to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

By: Africa Medical Supplies Platform
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM) Resources

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | AFEM’s resources are Africa-specific for clinical, nursing, and pre-hospital emergency care.

By: African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM)
Patient care

Bioforge OxySaver

TOOL | This presentation highlights the Bioforge Oxysaver, which was developed as a more affordable product for LMICs, compared to the Demand Oxygen Delivery Systems (DODS) currently available.

By: Bioforge Health Systems, Dewan Choudhury
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET) Library

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | The Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET) Library is a free library containing resources for the repair, maintenance and operation of medical equipment.

By: Engineering World Health
Respiratory care equipment

Boxer Project

 ARTICLE | Project Boxer is a Global Fund initiative that provides: advice on country oxygen needs, support to local and central procurement and installation, and technical assistance in bulk oxygen production.

By: The Global Fund
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Build Health International’s Oxygen Tools and Resources

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This suite of tools and resources focus on preventative and corrective maintenance and repair of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) oxygen generation plants developed by Build Health International.

By: Build Health International
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 Clinical Resources

GUIDANCE | These expert-vetted articles and infographics provide guidance on the clinical management of COVID-19 patients, ICU administration, procedures, supply chain issues, and treatment.

By: American College of Chest Physicians
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Dashboard

DATA DASHBOARD | This data dashboard provides the most up-to-date data on COVID-19 cases and deaths as well as vaccination rates.

By: Johns Hopkins University, Center for System Science and Engineering

COVID-19 Market Dashboard

DATA DASHBOARD | This dashboard provides an interactive tool for partners, manufacturers, and countries to follow the developments of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and the medical oxygen market.

Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 Oxygen Supply Chain

DATA DASHBOARD | The solutions outlined on this website are centered around demand, supply, and matching sections around the problems associated with rising oxygen needs because of COVID-19.

By: Inhub Page, The University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, University of Illinois
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 Respiratory Equipment

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course was developed due to the enormous emphasis placed on need for safe provision of oxygen to patients with COVID-19, but can be used for conditions beyond COVID-19.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Ventilator Course: Learn or Review Mechanical Ventilation

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video series is a collection of previously recorded MedCram videos on mechanical ventilation with the addition of some COVID-19 specific videos.

By: MedCram
Patient care

COVID-19: Your Questions Answered

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This toolkit provides answers to many questions related to COVID-19. The answers were curated from evidence-based literature and peer-reviewed resources.

By: Stanford Medicine – Anesthesia Division of Global Health Equity
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Clinical Guidelines for Nursing: Oxygen Delivery

GUIDANCE | This guidance covers various clinical aspects of oxygen delivery, including patient assessment, indications for oxygen delivery, weaning, high- vs low-flow, etc.

By: Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
Patient care

Concentrator Talks

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | Open O2 and Sanrai invites technicians to join their weekly Concentrator Talk to train on how to repair concentrators, troubleshoot current problems, and give quick answers to pressing questions.

By: OpenO2 at the Global Health Informatics Institute, Oxygen Alliance
Respiratory care equipment

Essential Emergency and Critical Care (EECC) Network

GUIDANCE | The EECC Network is an informal and independent global community-of-practice of clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and others interested in Essential Emergency and Critical Care.

By: EECC Network, Carl Otto Schell, Karima Khalid, Raphael K. Kayambankadzanja, Tim Baker
Patient care

Essential Medicine List: Oxygen

GUIDANCE | This website provides the details for medical oxygen for the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Global Anesthesia and Critical Care Learning Resource Center

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | The mission of this learning platform is to improve equity in peri-operative healthcare access through medical education, engaging discussions, remote mentorship, and building professional networks.

By: Stanford Medicine – Anesthesia Division of Global Health Equity
Patient care

Global Tuberculosis Programme: Tuberculosis Data

DATA DASHBOARD | The WHO Global Tuberculosis Programme works towards the goal of a world free of TB—data is reported by countries to WHO to estimate tuberculosis burden.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Guidance Document on Appropriate Management of Suspect/Confirmed Cases of COVID-19

GUIDANCE | The purpose of this document is to put in place standard operating procedures to ensure optimal utilization of available resources in India and thereby providing appropriate care to all the...

By: India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Patient care

Health Products Policy and Standards: Medical Use of Oxygen

GUIDANCE | This webpage highlights World Health Organization guidance and resources on the use of medical oxygen.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

IFMBE Clinical Engineering Division

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This website provides courses and other training materials on clinical engineering.

By: IFMBE Clinical Engineering Division
Respiratory care equipment

IHME Global Burden of Disease (GBD)

DATA DASHBOARD | The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) is a tool that provides a comprehensive picture of mortality and disability across countries, time, age, and sex, including those requiring respiratory care.

By: University of Washington, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Library of Resource for Oxygen Equipment Technicians

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This library provides different resources specific to oxygen equipment technicians.

By: Assist International
Respiratory care equipment

Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Aging Data Portal

DATA DASHBOARD | This data portal provides the most up-to-date global health data organized in the areas of maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and ageing.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Medevis: Priority Medical Devices Information System

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | Medevis is an open access WHO electronic database on appropriate medical devices according to the levels of care, setting and intended health intervention, which can be tailored to the specific...

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Open Critical Care

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This site (currently in beta) aims to help healthcare workers in resource-variable settings find open-access, high-quality critical care learning resources–starting with respiratory care.

By: World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA), OpenPediatrics, LifeBox, University of California, San Francisco, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Patient care

Open Healthcare Network: Reimagining Healthcare Delivery

DATA DASHBOARD | This website provides a set of data dashboards that provide real-time facility information for every district in India, including managing and monitoring demand and supply for oxygen.

By: Swasth Alliance
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Open Source Medical Supplies

TOOL | Open Source Medical Supplies provides a curated open-source library and guidance to support local groups in effectively organizing fabrication and distribution efforts to meet the local demand for medical supplies.

By: Open Source Medical Supplies
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen FAQ

TOOL | This webpage provides up-to-date, expert answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about oxygen supply systems, respiratory care and pulse oximetry written by OCC and collaborators.

By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Hub

TOOL | The Oxygen Hub works with local entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan Africa to power the production and distribution of affordable medical oxygen. This website provides details on where and how they support...

By: Institute for Transformative Technologies (ITT)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Plant-in-a-Box

TOOL | UNICEF worked with industry to rapidly develop an innovative emergency solution: the Oxygen Plant-in-a-Box—a fully functional pressure swing adsorption (PSA) oxygen plant.

Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Supply and Demand Calculator

TOOL | This tool provides a calculator to estimate oxygen demand based on oxygen source, total supply and usage, and patient needs.

By: World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA), University of California, San Francisco, Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Systems Applications

TOOL | The web-based applications currently consist of a package of six different tools that are user friendly – Oxygen needs-gap facility estimator; Energy consumption and costing estimator; Total cost of ownership...

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Talks

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | The Oxygen Talk is where the Oxygen Alliance invites experts to come and speak about an oxygen-related topic.

By: OpenO2 at the Global Health Informatics Institute, Oxygen Alliance
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy Project

 ARTICLE | UNICEF’s Oxygen Therapy Project, jointly with the World Health Organization, aims to provide governments with practical tools for building oxygen systems in their countries.

Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Procedure Manual: COVID-19 Resources

GUIDANCE | This resource guides through procedures unique to the adult progressive and critical care environment, including those performed by advanced practice nurses, in a step-by-step format.

By: American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Patient care

Seasonal Influenza: Clinical Management of Seasonal Influenza


This short, intermediate-level course is for frontline health workers caring for patients with suspected or confirmed seasonal influenza infection. It begins with basic epidemiological and...

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Strengthening Oxygen Supply and Respiratory Care in Tanzania

 ARTICLE | PATH is supporting capacity-building initiatives to facilitate the rollout of the Tanzanian government’s Medical Equipment and Infrastructure Management Information System (MEIMIS), to management respiratory care equipment and beyond.

Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

The Lancet COVID-19 Resource Centre

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This resource library brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across the Lancet journals as it is published.

By: The Lancet

The OxBox: Project Introduction

TOOL | The OxBox device allows for rapid scaling up oxygen delivery capacity in low-resource settings by mitigating two main barriers: electricity and cost-effectiveness.

By: Build Health International
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

The Oxygen Library

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This oxygen library by the Oxygen Alliance includes videos, comprehensive service manuals, and other information on every oxygen concentrator the Alliance has analyzed in the past.

By: OpenO2 at the Global Health Informatics Institute, Oxygen Alliance
Respiratory care equipment

Treatment and Oxygen Equipment

GUIDANCE | This website highlights critical information and resources on COVID-19 treatment and required oxygen equipment for principal recipients of The Global Fund.

By: The Global Fund
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

U.S. Pharmacopeia: Oxygen (93 Percent)

GUIDANCE | This guidance outlines the definition, production, testing, and storage requirements and allowed impurities for oxygen 93 percent, as laid out in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia.

By: U.S. Pharmacopeia
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

UNICEF Procurement Services

TOOL | UNICEF Procurement Services is a strategic programmatic and development platform that enables governments and other partners to leverage UNICEF’s procurement scale and expertise.

Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Vital: The COVID-19 Ventilator Device

TOOL | NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory designed an FDA qualifiable ventilating device that can serve a targeted subset of the patient population suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by COVID-19.

By: Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

WHO Access to Oxygen Initiative

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | The WHO Access to Oxygen Initiative provides technical and operational support to Member States on solutions to enable a resilient oxygen ecosystem.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard

DATA DASHBOARD | This dashboard provides real-time statistics on COVID-19, as reported to the World Health Organization.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19

DATA DASHBOARD | WHO invites stakeholders to contribute anonymized clinical COVID-19 data to the Global COVID-19 Clinical Data Platform—which will be used to inform the WHO COVID-19 clinical guidance.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO Indicator: National Policy on Management of Pneumonia among Children

DATA DASHBOARD | This indicator demonstrates the countries that have a national policy on the management of pneumonia among children.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO Trainings for Medical Devices

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | As part of the COVID-19 response, WHO developed a series of training videos for medical equipment related to oxygen therapy.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO: Oxygen

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This website provides a one-stop shop for all oxygen resources compiled by WHO, including requirements of medicinal oxygen, components of an oxygen system, guidelines, factsheets, and more.

By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Concentrators: A Primary Oxygen Supply Source

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, this article reviews ten years experience with oxygen concentrators (OCs) in Canada used as a primary hospital oxygen supply.

December 1999
By: Robert Friesen, Merna Bee Raber, D H Reimer
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Administration in Infants

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition lays out the main methods of oxygen administration to infants.

July 2002
By: Bernard Frey, Frank Shann
Patient care

Managing Newborn Problems: A Guide for Doctors, Nurses, and Midwives

GUIDANCE | This guide is designed to assist countries with limited resources in their efforts to reduce neonatal mortality and to ensure care for newborn babies with problems due to complications of...

August 2003
By: World Health Organization (WHO), UNFPA, UNICEF, The World Bank
Patient care

Effects of Skin Pigmentation on Pulse Oximeter Accuracy at Low Saturation

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | The study in the journal Anesthesiology showed that the three tested pulse oximeters overestimated arterial oxygen saturation during hypoxia in dark-skinned individuals.

April 2005
By: Philip E. Bickler, John R. Feiner, John W. Severinghaus
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen and Retinopathy of Prematurity

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the Journal of Perinatology goes over what is known about retinopathy of prematurity, particularly the role of oxygen in the disease, and the recent advances in its...

April 2006
By: Ola Didrik Saugstad
Patient care

Hypoxemia Among Children in Rural Hospitals in Papua New Guinea: Epidemiology and Resource Availability-A Study to Support a National Oxygen Programme

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in the Annals of Tropical Pediatrics examined the incidence of hypoxemia, its geographical distribution, epidemiological determinants, and resource availability in several regions of the country.

December 2006
By: Francis Wandi, David Peel, Trevor Duke
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Dark Skin Decreases the Accuracy of Pulse Oximeters at Low Oxygen Saturation: The Effects of Oximeter Probe Type and Gender

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in the journal Anesthesia and Analgesia looks at the relationship between skin pigment and oximeter accuracy in 36 subjects (19 males, 17 females) of a range of skin...

December 2007
By: John R. Feiner, John W. Severinghaus, Philip E. Bickler
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Childhood Pneumonia and Oxygen Treatment

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | In this article in The Lancet, Trevor Duke and colleagues report that the implementation of oxygen therapy and monitoring systems can be a feasible cost-effective step forward, and can save...

August 2008
By: André M. Cantin
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Improved Oxygen Systems for Childhood Pneumonia: A Multihospital Effectiveness Study in Papua New Guinea

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in The Lancet examines the effect of an improved oxygen system on death rate in children with pneumonia in Papua New Guinea.

November 2008
By: Trevor Duke, Francis Wandi, Merilyn Jonathan, Sens Matai, Magdalene Kaupa, Martin Saavu, Rami Subhi, David Peel
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

The Prevalence of Hypoxemia Among Ill Children in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | In this review of studies of acute lower respiratory tract infection in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, the median prevalence of pneumonia hypoxemia requiring hospitalization was 13%, but prevalence varied widely.

April 2009
By: Rami Subhi, Matthew Adamson, Harry Campbell, Martin Weber, Katherine Smith, Trevor Duke
Patient care

WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery: Safe Surgery Saves Lives

GUIDANCE | These guidelines provide the knowledge for operational teams to work together effectively to minimize life-threatening complications to surgical patients.

April 2009
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Effects of Oxygen Concentrators on Ventilator Oxygen Delivery

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, this study looked at differences between inspired oxygen settings of the ventilator/anesthetic machine and actual circuit oxygen levels when using oxygen 99 and...

May 2010
By: Les Walker, Merna Bee Raber, Robert Friesen
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

WHO Recommendations on the Management of Diarrhea and Pneumonia in HIV-infected Infants and Children

GUIDANCE | These guidelines are part of a comprehensive set of normative documents for the prevention and treatment of common conditions affecting HIV-infected and -exposed infants and children.

September 2010
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Oxygen is an Essential Medicine: A Call for International Action

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | As highlighted in this article in the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, the cost-effectiveness of an oxygen systems strategy compares favorably with other higher profile child survival interventions.

November 2010
By: Trevor Duke, Stephen Graham, Meena Cherian, Amy Sarah Ginsburg, Mike English, Stephen Howie, David Peel, Penny Enarson, I. H. Wilson, Wilson Were
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Supplies for Hospitals in Papua New Guinea: A Comparison of the Feasibility and Cost-Effectiveness of Methods for Different Settings

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in the Papua New Guinea Medical Journal reviews the methods for providing oxygen in Papua New Guinea.

December 2010
By: Trevor Duke, David Peel, Francis Wandi, Rami Subhi, Martin Saavu, Sens Matai
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medical Equipment Maintenance Program Overview

GUIDANCE | These documents look at how to plan, manage, and successfully execute a maintenance program for medical devices.

January 2011
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

European Pharmacopoeia: Oxygen (93 Percent)

GUIDANCE | This guidance outlines the definition, production, testing, and storage requirements and allowed impurities for oxygen 93 percent, as laid out in the 9th edition of the European Pharmacopoeia.

April 2011
By: European Pharmacopoeia
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medical Equipment Maintenance Programme Overview

GUIDANCE | This document is part of a series of reference documents on medical equipment and health technology being developed for use at the country level.

June 2011
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Therapy in Acute Illness

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video highlights the considerations of administering oxygen therapy in acute illness.

June 2011
By: Influenza Training
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy in Acute Illness – Section 1: How to Quickly Assess if Supplemental Oxygen is Needed

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video highlights the considerations of administering oxygen therapy in acute illness. This first session covers how to quickly assess if supplemental oxygen is needed.

June 2011
By: Influenza Training
Patient care

WHO Pulse Oximetry Training Manual

GUIDANCE | This manual describes how oximeters work and how to use them so that all anesthesia providers who are not experienced in using pulse oximetry.

September 2011
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry in Childhood Pneumonia: A Survey of Healthcare Providers in Resource-limited Settings

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in the Journal of Tropical Pediatrics surveyed clinicians in resource-limited countries to better understand the availability of oxygen and pulse oximetry, barriers to use, and clinician perceptions and...

December 2011
By: Amy Sarah Ginsburg, William C. Van Cleve, Mary I. W. Thompson, Mike English
Patient care

Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care

GUIDANCE | These guidelines seek to set achievable standards for trauma treatment services which could realistically be made available to almost every injured person in the world, including for respiratory care.

June 2012
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

A Solar-powered, Ceramic Oxygen Concentrator

TOOL | A new oxygen concentrator technology uses electrolytic oxygen transfer through a ceramic, monolithic wafer—capable of producing high-purity (>99.9%) pressurized (200 psig) oxygen without a mechanical compressor.

October 2012
By: NASA Johnson Space Center, Center Innovation Fund
Respiratory care equipment

Guide to Infrastructure and Supplies at Various Levels of Healthcare Facilities: Emergency and Essential Surgical Care

GUIDANCE | This guidance outlines the infrastructure and supply needs at the different levels of a healthcare system to ensure adequate emergency and essential surgical care.

November 2012
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen 93 – A New Option for German Hospitals

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Anesthesiologie & Intensivmedizin, this article covers the medical, device, and regulatory aspects that need to be considered when making a decision about the use of oxygen 93.

January 2013
By: T. Prien, I. Meineke, K. Züchner, J. Rathgeber
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children: Guidelines for the Management of Common Childhood Illnesses

GUIDANCE | This pocket book for hospital care for children is one of a series of documents and tools that support the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI).

January 2013
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Medical Equipment Troubleshooting Flowchart Handbook

TOOL | This handbook provides troubleshooting flowcharts for various medical equipment, including respiratory equipment like oxygen concentrators, pulse oximeters, respiratory monitors, etc.

February 2013
By: Engineering World Health
Respiratory care equipment

Ending Preventable Child Deaths from Pneumonia and Diarrhea by 2025: Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhea

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | The integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhea (GAPPD) proposes a cohesive approach to ending preventable pneumonia and diarrhea deaths.

June 2013
By: World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF
Patient care

Oxygen Concentrators: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Technicians in Developing Countries

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This paper in the Annals of Tropical Pediatrics is a practical and up-to-date guide for all involved in purchasing, using, and maintaining oxygen concentrators in developing countries.

July 2013
By: Trevor Duke, David Peel, Stephen Graham, Stephen Howie, Penny Enarson, Robert Jacobson
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Pulse Oximetry: Technology to Reduce Child Mortality in Developing Countries

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the Annals of Tropical Pediatrics reviews pulse oximetry, its technical basis, and its application to the medical management of childhood illness to reduce mortality in developing countries.

July 2013
By: Trevor Duke, Rami Subhi, David Peel, Bernard Frey
Patient care

Prevalence and Predictors of Hypoxemia in Respiratory and Non-respiratory Primary Diagnoses Among Emergently Ill Children at a Tertiary Hospital in South Western Nigeria

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study investigated prevalence and predictors of hypoxemia in ALRI and non-ALRI according to age and primary diagnoses in emergently ill children in south western Nigeria.

September 2013
By: Adebola E. Orimadegun, Babatunde O. Ogunbosi, Shannon S. Carson
Patient care

CPAP: A Guide for Clinicians in Developing Countries

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Pediatrics and International Child Health, this paper describes two methods which may be appropriate in low-resource settings: (1) bubble-CPAP using oxygen concentrators and (2) HFNC oxygen therapy.

December 2013
By: Trevor Duke
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry in Childhood Pneumonia: Surveys of Clinicians and Student Clinicians in Cambodia

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in Tropical Medicine & International Health surveyed Cambodian clinicians to better understand the availability of oxygen and pulse oximetry, barriers to use, and clinician perceptions and practices.

March 2014
By: Amy Sarah Ginsburg, Emily Gerth‐Guyette, Brenda Mollis, Michelle Gardner, Samnang Chham
Patient care

Revised WHO Classification and Treatment of Childhood Pneumonia at Health Facilities

GUIDANCE | The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of WHO-approved pneumonia control recommendations and to assist national child health programs in revising their guidelines to conform to them.

June 2014
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Design for Reliability: Ideal Product Requirement Specifications for Oxygen Concentrators for Children With Hypoxemia in Low-resource Settings

GUIDANCE | This document provides guidance to developers and manufacturers on the key performance requirements and potential design for a reliable, robust, and scalable oxygen concentrator.

May 2015
Respiratory care equipment

Signs of Pneumonia: Chest Indrawing

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | Chest indrawing is a sign of severe pneumonia. It means the child need to be treated immediately. This video highlights the key signs of chest indrawing in children.

June 2015
By: McCann Global Health
Patient care

Signs of Pneumonia: Fast Breathing and Counting Breaths

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | Children with pneumonia breathe faster than normal, so counting breaths is a quick way to help diagnose pneumonia. This video highlights the steps to properly count breaths and when to...

June 2015
By: McCann Global Health
Patient care

WHO Technical Specifications for Oxygen Concentrators

GUIDANCE | This guidance document supports the selection, procurement, utilization, and maintenance of oxygen concentrators.

June 2015
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Hypoxemia as a Mortality Risk Factor in Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This systematic review and meta-analysis in PLOS One examines observational studies to evaluate the association between hypoxemia and mortality from acute lower respiratory infections in children in LMICs.

September 2015
By: Marzia Lazzerini, Michela Sonego, Maria Chiara Pellegrin
Patient care

Development of a Reliable, Robust, and Scalable Oxygen Concentrator for Low-resource Settings

INFORMATION BRIEF | PATH sets out to determine the necessary technical inputs to accelerate the development of reliable, robust, and scalable oxygen concentrator systems for use in low-resource settings.

October 2015
Respiratory care equipment

Technology Landscape: Oxygen Concentrators

TOOL | This table shows the landscape of commercially available stationary and portable oxygen concentrators and related devices.

October 2015
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Ensuring Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry Access for Treatment of Children in Low-Resource Settings: Consultation With Manufacturers of Oxygen Concentrators and Pulse Oximetry

REPORT | PATH and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a consultation focused on expanding access to pulse oximetry and oxygen concentrators in low-resource settings.

December 2015
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Evaluating the Impact of Pulse Oximetry on Childhood Pneumonia Mortality in Resource-poor Settings

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in the journal Nature uses a deterministic compartmental model to assess the impact of introducing pulse oximetry as a prognostic tool to distinguish severe from non-severe pneumonia in...

December 2015
By: Jessica Floyd, Lindsey Wu, Deborah Hay Burgess, Rasa Izadnegahdar, David Mukanga, Azra C. Ghani
Patient care

Decontamination and Reprocessing of Medical Devices for Healthcare Facilities

GUIDANCE | The aim of this manual is to provide guidance in improving standards in sterile services across health-care facilities worldwide.

January 2016
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Recognizing Respiratory Distress

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video informs viewers on how to identify clinical signs and symptoms of respiratory distress in a pediatric patient.

February 2016
By: Boston Children Hospital, World Federation of Pediatric Intensive, Critical Care Societies, Monica Kleinman
Patient care

Anesthesia Care Capacity at Health Facilities in 22 Low- and Middle-income Countries

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This systematic review in the World Journal of Surgery examines the results of anesthesia care capacity assessments in LMICs to identify patterns of deficits and provide useful targets for advocacy...

May 2016
By: Rachel A. Hadler, Sagar Chawla, Barclay T. Stewart, Maureen C. McCunn, Adam L. Kushner
Patient care

Interagency List of Priority Medical Devices for Essential Interventions for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

TOOL | This list highlights the medical devices required to provide the essential reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health interventions defined by existing WHO guidelines and publications.

June 2016
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Reprocessing Guidelines for Basic Neonatal Resuscitation Equipment in Resource-limited Settings

GUIDANCE | This guide is an in-depth resource on reprocessing of basic neonatal resuscitation equipment.

June 2016
Respiratory care equipment

A Toolkit for Procuring Quality-Assured Basic Neonatal Resuscitation Commodities

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This toolkit is intended to help with quantifying commodity needs, developing effective procurement plans, and writing specifications for national tenders.

July 2016
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

The Safe Bubble CPAP Project

MULTIMEDIA | The Safe Newborn bCPAP Project will address the lack of access in low-resource settings to safe and affordable treatment for respiratory distress syndrome.

August 2016
By: The Adara Project
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Ethiopia’s National Medical Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry Scale Up Road Map (2016-2021)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This roadmap is intended to guide scale up of oxygen and pulse oximeters as well as standardizing the need for comprehensive approach to program management and implementation at all levels...

September 2016
By: Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy for Children: A Manual for Health Workers

GUIDANCE | This manual focuses on the availability and clinical use of oxygen therapy in children in health facilities by providing the practical aspects for health workers, biomedical engineers, and administrators.

October 2016
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Updated Guideline: Pediatric Emergency Triage, Assessment, and Treatment: Care of Critically-ill Children

GUIDANCE | WHO’s pediatric emergency triage, assessment and treatment guidelines aim to identify children presenting with airway obstruction and other breathing problems.

October 2016
By: World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, UNFPA
Patient care

Improving Access to Essential Oxygen Therapy and Pulse Oximetry for Childhood Pneumonia Treatment

MULTIMEDIA | This poster presentation from the ASTMH 2016 Annual Meeting summarizes efforts to identify barriers and implement scalable solutions to improve access to oxygen and pulse oximetry.

November 2016
Patient care

One is too Many: Ending Child Deaths from Pneumonia and Diarrhea

REPORT | This report highlights current pneumonia and diarrhea related mortality, and illustrates the startling divide between the children being reached and the considerable number of those left behind.

November 2016
Patient care

Proposal for Inclusion of Oxygen as a Medical Gas on the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines

INFORMATION BRIEF | PATH submitted an application to the WHO Essential Medicines List Secretariat for the inclusion of oxygen as a medical gas to clarify its importance as a medicine that should be...

December 2016

Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Guide for Midwives and Doctors

GUIDANCE | This manual, and a similar one on preterm and sick newborns, provides guidance for health workers who are responsible for the care of pregnant women and newborns, including when respiratory...

January 2017
By: World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, UNFPA
Patient care

WHO List of Priority Medical Devices for Cancer Management

TOOL | This publication is based on the list of clinical interventions selected from clinical guidelines on prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, palliative care, monitoring and end of life care.

February 2017
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Demonstration of Bubble CPAP [Continuous Positive Airway Pressure] for the Low-resource Environment

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | In this video, Dr. Wolbrink discusses indications and contraindications for using bubble continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).

May 2017
By: Boston Children Hospital, World Federation of Pediatric Intensive, Critical Care Societies, Traci Wolbrink
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Nigeria’s National Strategy for the Scale Up of Medical Oxygen in Health Facilities (2017-2022)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This national strategy aims to reduce mortality and morbidity from hypoxemia in Nigeria by addressing the key gaps in access to medical oxygen.

May 2017
By: Nigeria National Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Recommendations on Child Health

GUIDANCE | This publication outlines WHO recommendations on child health in one easy-to-access document for WHO staff, policymakers, program managers, and health professionals.

May 2017
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO Recommendations on Maternal Health

GUIDANCE | This publication outlines WHO recommendations on maternal health in one easy-to-access document for WHO staff, policymakers, program managers, and health professionals.

May 2017
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO Recommendations on Newborn Health

GUIDANCE | This publication outlines WHO recommendations on newborn health in one easy-to-access document for WHO staff, policymakers, program managers, and health professionals.

May 2017
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Fighting for Breath: A Call to Action on Childhood Pneumonia

REPORT | This report focuses on what is now the single biggest cause of child deaths through infectious disease – pneumonia.

June 2017
By: Save the Children

Outpatient Management of Children With World Health Organization Chest Indrawing Pneumonia: Implementation Risks and Proposed Solutions

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | In Clinical Infectious Diseases, this article recommends the WHO IMCI guidelines to consider additional referral or daily monitoring criteria for children with chest indrawing pneumonia in low-resource settings.

June 2017
By: Eric D. McCollum, Amy Sarah Ginsburg
Patient care

WHO Recommendations on Adolescent Health

GUIDANCE | This publication outlines WHO recommendations on adolescent health in one easy-to-access document for WHO staff, policymakers, program managers, and health professionals.

August 2017
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Oxygen Is Essential: A Policy and Advocacy Primer

TOOL | Part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, the primer provides data, messages, and resources to help understand the planning, policies, and technologies involved in oxygen delivery scale up.

November 2017

Nigeria’s National Policy on Medical Oxygen in Health Facilities

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | The publication of this first comprehensive National Policy on Medical Oxygen marks a significant step in improving access to lifesaving medical oxygen to patients in Nigeria.

December 2017
By: Nigeria National Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Every Child Alive: The Urgent Need to End Newborn Deaths

REPORT | This report calls for strong cooperation among governments, businesses, health providers, communities, and families to give every newborn a fair chance to survive.

February 2018

Performance of the Silverman Andersen Respiratory Severity Score in Predicting PCO2 and Respiratory Support in Newborns: A Prospective Cohort Study

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the Journal of Perinatology describes a prospective cohort study investigating if the Silverman Andersen respiratory severity score is associated with a need for increased respiratory support.

February 2018
By: Anna Bruett Hedstrom, Nancy E. Gove, Dennis E. Mayock, Maneesh Batra
Patient care

Assessment and Recommendations to Increase Access to Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry in Kenya

REPORT | The information in this report focuses on oxygen access in Kenya and was collected through a combination of desk research and in-country stakeholder interviews and observations.

March 2018
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Market Assessment and Recommendations to Increase Access to Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry in India

REPORT | The information in this country report focuses on India and is intended to guide key decision-makers in India as they work to improve access to safe oxygen delivery.

March 2018
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Market Assessment and Recommendations to Increase Access to Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry in Indonesia

REPORT | The information in this report focuses on oxygen access in Indonesia and was collected through a combination of desk research and in-country stakeholder interviews and observations.

March 2018
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pneumonia Market Landscape Analysis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Improving Access to High-Quality Pneumonia Products and Services for Children Under the Age of Five

REPORT | To understand the barriers to reducing pneumonia burden, PATH collected and analyzed secondary data and conducted a landscape of key pneumonia stakeholders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

April 2018
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Accelerating Access to Oxygen Convening Summary

REPORT | This report summarizes the A2O2: Accelerating Access to Oxygen Convening, which aimed to foster information sharing and active dialogue around improving access to oxygen.

July 2018

HO2PE: Oxygen Gives Life

MULTIMEDIA | The HO2PE campaign provides resources to increase awareness about the importance of oxygen treatment and its impact on saving precious breath and life around the world.

July 2018

Sizing Up Pneumonia Research

REPORT | This report summarizes public and philanthropic investment for pneumonia-related research by the G20 countries between 2000 and 2015.

July 2018
By: University of Southampton, Rebecca Brown, Michael Head
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Recommendations for Improving Pneumonia and Hypoxemia Indicators

TOOL | Key stakeholders convened to generate a list of recommended additions to main data sources to include pneumonia and hypoxemia indicators.

August 2018
By: Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition
Oxygen ecosystem planning

The Global Need for Essential Emergency and Critical Care

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Critical Care, this research paper argues for the need of establishing a new global focus on essential emergency and critical care (EECC) within the universal health coverage agenda.

October 2018
By: Carl Otto Schell, Martin Gerdin Wärnberg, Anna Hvarfner, Andreas Höög, Ulrika Baker, Markus Castegren, Tim Baker
Patient care

Comparison of European, U.S., and Japanese Pharmacopoeia Monographs for Medicinal Gases

GUIDANCE | This publication provides a comparison between the specifications and the test methods defined for medicinal gases in each of the regional pharmacopoeia compendiums – European, U.S., and Japanese.

November 2018
By: European Industrial Gases Association
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Fire Hazards of Oxygen and Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres

GUIDANCE | This publication explains the fire hazards resulting from handling oxygen and the relevant protective measures that should be taken.

November 2018
By: European Industrial Gases Association
Respiratory care equipment

Highlights from the United4Oxygen Alliance’s Work in Ethiopia and Nigeria

INFORMATION BRIEF | This document provides a snapshot of oxygen-related work that has been done in Ethiopia and Nigeria from United4Oxygen Alliance partners.

November 2018
By: Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

The Missing Piece: Why Continued Neglect of Pneumonia Threatens the Achievement of Health Goals

REPORT | This report urges national governments to adopt pneumonia control strategies, identify the most vulnerable populations, and ensure that they are fully protected with the necessary vaccines, diagnosis, and treatments.

November 2018
By: Development Initiatives

WHO International Registry for Trauma and Emergency Care

DATA DASHBOARD | The WHO International Registry for Trauma and Emergency Care is a web-based platform for aggregation and analysis of case-based data from emergency care visits.

November 2018
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO-UNICEF Technical Specifications and Guidance for Oxygen Therapy Devices

GUIDANCE | The purpose of this interagency publication is to provide harmonized product specifications for a wide range of products for delivering basic oxygen therapy, and to provide guidance on the selection...

January 2019
By: World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Decommissioning Medical Devices

GUIDANCE | This guide was created in response to insufficient knowledge about decommissioning medical device and is part of the WHO medical device technical series.

February 2019
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Providing Oxygen to Children and Newborns: A Multi-faceted Technical and Clinical Assessment of Oxygen Access and Oxygen Use in Secondary-Level Hospitals in Southwest Nigeria

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in the journal International Health evaluates the quality of oxygen therapy in 12 secondary-level Nigerian hospitals.

March 2019
By: Ayobami A. Bakare, Hamish Graham, Adejumoke I. Ayede, David Peel, Olatayo Olatinwo, Oladapo B. Oyewole, Kayode R. Fowobaje, Shamim Ahmad Qazi, Rasa Izadnegahdar, Trevor Duke, Adegoke G. Falade
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Uganda National Scale Up of Medical Oxygen Implementation Plan (2018-2022)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This National Medical Oxygen Scale Up Implementation Plan articulates a holistic approach to improving demand and supply of medical oxygen in Uganda.

April 2019
By: Uganda Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Nigeria’s National Integrated Pneumonia Control Strategy and Implementation Plan

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | The Federal Government of Nigeria has developed the first-ever national pneumonia control strategy and implementation plan to elevate pneumonia within the integrated newborn and child health agenda.

August 2019
By: Nigeria National Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Using Intermittent Pulse Oximetry to Guide Neonatal Oxygen Therapy in a Low-resource Context

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This prospective validation study in BMJ evaluated the effectiveness of intermittent pulse oximetry in guiding oxygen therapy in neonates in a low-resource setting—focusing on three hospitals in southwest Nigeria.

August 2019
By: Patrick James Berkeley Walker, Ayobami A. Bakare, Adejumoke I. Ayede, Rosena Olubanke Oluwafemi, Omolayo Adebukola Olubosede, Iyabo Victoria Olafimihan, Kenneth Tan, Trevor Duke, Adegoke G. Falade, Hamish Graham
Patient care

Exploratory Meeting to Review New Evidence for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (‎IMCI)‎ Danger Signs

REPORT | In order to identify questions for future research for IMCI, pneumonia research experts, epidemiologists, and child health specialists from a range of countries participated in a convening in September 2018.

October 2019
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Increasing Access to Safe Oxygen and Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Devices

INFORMATION BRIEF | This factsheet highlights PATH’s Increasing Access to Safe Oxygen and Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH) Devices project, which aims to build capacity in support of oxygen scale up at...

October 2019
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Social Start-up Africa: Pneumonia e-jacket

TOOL | Brian Turyabagye is a Ugandan engineer and a co-inventor of a ‘biomedical smart jacket’ which detects pneumonia faster than a doctor.

October 2019
By: CGTN Africa
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Fighting for Breath Call to Action: End Childhood Pneumonia Deaths

REPORT | Additional attention and investment needs to be given to pneumonia to reverse trends in global health and childhood deaths.

November 2019
By: Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition, Save the Children, UNICEF

Hypoxemia in Hospitalized Children and Neonates: A Prospective Cohort Study in Nigerian Secondary-level Hospitals

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in eClinical Medicine evaluates the epidemiology of hypoxemia and oxygen use in hospitalized neonates and children in Nigeria.

November 2019
By: Hamish Graham, Ayobami A. Bakare, Adejumoke I. Ayede, Oladapo B. Oyewole, Amy Gray, David Peel, Barbara McPake, Eleanor Neal, Shamim Ahmad Qazi, Rasa Izadnegahdar, Trevor Duke, Adegoke G. Falade
Patient care

Making Medical Oxygen Availability a National Health Priority in Uganda

INFORMATION BRIEF | The National Scale Up of Medical Oxygen Implementation Plan is the first policy of its kind to coordinate oxygen stakeholders and provide long-term guidance for scaling oxygen access in Uganda.

November 2019
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Systems to Improve Clinical Care and Outcomes for Children and Neonates: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomized Trial in Nigeria

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This paper from PLOS Medicine reports the effects of an improved oxygen system on mortality and clinical practices in 12 general, pediatric, and maternity hospitals in southwest Nigeria.

November 2019
By: Hamish Graham, Ayobami A. Bakare, Adejumoke I. Ayede, Amy Gray, Barbara McPake, David Peel, Olatayo Olatinwo, Oladapo B. Oyewole, Eleanor Neal, Cattram D. Nguyen, Shamim Ahmad Qazi, Rasa Izadnegahdar, John B. Carlin, Adegoke G. Falade, Trevor Duke
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Trauma and Emergency Surgery Kit

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | WHO trauma and emergency surgery kit (TESK) aims to provide materials and drugs to meet the needs of 50 patients requiring surgical care in emergency situations, assuming an average of...

December 2019
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Child Pneumonia Data Visualizer

DATA DASHBOARD | The child pneumonia data visualizer toolkit can be used to explore and visualize data related to pneumonia incidence, mortality, prevention, and treatment.

January 2020
Patient care

Every Child’s Right to Survive: A 2020 Agenda to End Pneumonia Deaths

REPORT | This brief report presents the causes of pneumonia, the ways to prevent and treat it, and the resources needed to end pneumonia-related deaths.

January 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy for Children: A Key Tool in Reducing Deaths from Pneumonia

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This commentary in Pediatric Pulmonology explores the reasons for the oxygen gap, using Nigeria as an illustrative case study in improving oxygen access, and concluding with key actions for policy...

January 2020
By: Hamish Graham, Ayobami A. Bakare, Chizoba Fashanu, Owens Wiwa, Trevor Duke, Adegoke G. Falade
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Rapid Hospital Readiness Checklist

TOOL | The purpose of this checklist is to help hospital managers prepare for COVID-19 patient management by optimizing each hospital’s capacities.

January 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Providing Oxygen to Children in Hospitals: A Realist Review

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study highlighted in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization aims to identify and describe interventions to improve oxygen therapy in hospitals in low-resource settings.

February 2020
By: Hamish Graham, Shidan Tosif, Amy Gray, Shamim Ahmad Qazi, Harry Campbell, David Peel, Barbara McPake, Trevor Duke
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Clinical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Training

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course is intended for clinicians who are working in intensive care units in LMICs and managing adult and pediatric patients with severe forms of acute respiratory infection.

February 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

COVID-19 Airway Management

TOOL | This set of posters provides guidance to healthcare workers on airway management for COVID-19 patients.

March 2020
By: Safe Airway Society
Patient care

COVID-19 Airway Management Principles

GUIDANCE | This guidance highlights proper airway management of patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.

March 2020
By: Association of Anesthetists, Difficult Airway Society, Association of Pediatric Anesthetists
Patient care

Corona en Anesthesie Reanimation – 3 Airway (PR Afak Nsiri)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video provides instruction on the basics of intubation of a critically ill patient.

March 2020
By: University of Hassan II Casablanca
Patient care

Corona en Anesthesie Reanimation – 4.A Ventilation SDRA (PR Mohammed Mouhaoui)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video provides instruction on the modes of mechanical ventilation for a critically ill patient.

March 2020
By: University of Hassan II Casablanca
Patient care

Corona en Anesthesie Reanimation – 4.B Ventilation Virtuelle SDRA (PR Mohammed Mouhaoui)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video provides a simulation of the use of mechanical ventilator on a critically ill patient.

March 2020
By: University of Hassan II Casablanca
Patient care

Corona en Anesthesie Reanimation – 5 Reanimation Theorie (PR Chafik El Kettani)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video provides instruction on monitoring and fluid and pharmacological management of intubated patients as well as on shock management.

March 2020
By: University of Hassan II Casablanca
Patient care

Corona en Anesthesie Reanimation – 6 Soins Infirmiers (PR Lahoucine Barrou)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video provides instruction on the monitoring and care of an intubated patient.

March 2020
By: University of Hassan II Casablanca
Patient care

Corona en Anesthesie Reanimation – 7 Anesthesie (PR Khalid Yaqini)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video provides instruction on how to administer anesthesia for surgery of critically ill patients.

March 2020
By: University of Hassan II Casablanca
Patient care

Emergency and Critical Care Services in Malawi: Findings from a Nationwide Survey of Health Facilities

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in the Malawi Medical Journal, the aim of this study was to assess the availability of resources for emergency and critical care in Malawi using data from the Service...

March 2020
By: Raphael K. Kayambankadzanja, Andrew Likaka, Samson Kwazizira Mndolo, Grace Mayamiko Chatsika, Eric Umar, Tim Baker
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Guidelines on the Management of Pediatric Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic

GUIDANCE | This guidance seeks to advise health workers in the pediatric arena during the COVID-19 outbreak in Kenya.

March 2020
By: Kenya Ministry of Health, Kenya Pediatric Association, Keprecon I Save the Children
Patient care

Oxygen as a Utility: An Innovative Model for Increasing Access to Oxygen in Low- and Middle-income Countries

REPORT | PATH led the development of an implementation plan to provide oxygen services as a utility, which is a potential new way forward to address many of the issues that limit...

March 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Revised Guidelines on Clinical Management of COVID-19

GUIDANCE | This document is intended for clinicians taking care of hospitalized adult and pediatric patients of COVID-19 in India.

March 2020
By: India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Patient care

Severe Acute Respiratory Infections Treatment Centre: Interim Guidance

GUIDANCE | This practical manual outlines how to set up and manage a severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) treatment center and a SARI screening facility in healthcare facilities.

March 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Severe Acute Respiratory Infections Treatment Centre: Practical Manual to Set up and Manage a SARI Treatment Centre and a SARI Screening Facility in Healthcare Facilities

GUIDANCE | This is the first edition of the practical manual to set up and manage a severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) treatment center and a SARI screening facility in healthcare facilities.

March 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Standard Operating Procedures for Case Management and Infection, Prevention, and Control

GUIDANCE | The purpose of this document is to provide clinical guidance to clinicians working in Tanzania during the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 2020
By: Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children
Patient care

Target Product Profiles for Newborn Care in Low-resource Settings

TOOL | In collaboration with UNICEF, NEST360 is driving the development of target product profiles for newborn care in low-resource settings.

March 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

The Prevalence of Hypoxemia among Pediatric and Adult Patients Presenting to Healthcare Facilities in Low- and Middle-income Countries: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Systemic Reviews, this study aims to fill a key evidence gap by providing comprehensive estimates of hypoxemia prevalence.

March 2020
By: Felix Lam, Rami Subhi, Jason Houdek, Kate Schroder, Audrey Battu, Hamish Graham
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Video on Giving Oxygen to Children

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | The World Health Organization developed a series of videos in the 1990s on how to give oxygen to children in low- and middle-income countries.

March 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

ARDS, COVID-19, and Pronation Therapy

GUIDANCE | This page includes resources to help understand the benefits of the procedure and see how pronation therapy can be done safely.

April 2020
By: American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Linda Bell
Patient care

African Federation for Emergency Medicine COVID-19 Palliative Care Guideline

GUIDANCE | This document aims to provide clinical guidance on palliative care during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically for use in low-resource settings.

April 2020
By: African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM)
Patient care

COVID-19 Airway Management in the Intensive Care Unit

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video outlines a potential strategy for airway management in the intensive care unit for patients with COVID-19.

April 2020
By: OpenPediatrics
Patient care

COVID-19 Pneumonia: Time Course, Monitoring, and Treatment

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar shares observations of Pr. Luciano Gattinoni on COVID-19 as well as criteria on when to ventilate a COVID-19 patient as well as the differences between ARDS and COVID-1...

April 2020
By: GE Healthcare
Patient care

COVID-19 Resources: Summary of Recommendations on the Management of Patients with COVID-19 and ARDS

TOOL | This poster provides a summery of the recommendations on the management of patients with COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

April 2020
By: Society of Critical Care Medicine
Patient care

COVID-19 Webinar by AIIMS, Delhi: ICU and Ventilation Strategy

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar by the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi discusses care protocols in the intensive care unit and ventilation strategies for COVID-19 patients.

April 2020
By: All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Patient care

COVID-19 Webinar by AIIMS, Delhi: Mechanical Ventilation

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar by the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi discusses the modes of ventilation and management strategy as well as weaning from the ventilator and extubation.

April 2020
By: All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Patient care

COVID-19 v4: Operational Support and Logistics: Disease Commodity Packages

TOOL | This document describes commodities used in managing COVID-19 epidemics.

April 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Consensus Guidelines for Managing the Airway in Children with COVID-19

GUIDANCE | This consensus statement provides clarity on airway management for COVID-19 patients and where that guidance differs for pediatric patients.

April 2020
By: Association of Anesthetists, Difficult Airway Society, Association of Pediatric Anesthetists
Patient care

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Technical Guidance: Essential Resource Planning

GUIDANCE | To gauge the need for supplies/equipment and health work force requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO has developed a suite of complimentary surge calculators.

April 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Covinar Series: Ventilator Management for COVID-19 Patients

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar is part of a ‘COVINAR’ webinar series on updates to the COVID-19 pandemic. This one focuses on ventilator management for COVID-19 patients.

April 2020
By: Aga Khan University
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Essential Care of Critical Illness Must not be Forgotten in the COVID-19 Pandemic

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in The Lancet, a conceptual framework has been proposed that illustrates the need for hospital readiness and good quality clinical practice for the identification and care of critically ill...

April 2020
By: Tim Baker, Carl Otto Schell, Dan Brun Petersen, Hendry R. Sawe, Karima Khalid, Samson Kwazizira Mndolo, Jamie Rylance, Daniel F McAuley, Nobhojit Roy, John C. Marshall, Lee A. Wallis, Elizabeth Molyneux
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Global COVID-19: Clinical Platform: Novel Coronavirus (‎COVID-19)‎: Rapid Version

TOOL | The clinical characterization case record form (clinical CRF) is intended to provide Member States with a standardized approach to collect clinical data to on COVID-19.

April 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Guidelines for Cleaning of Externally Contaminated Medical Gas Cylinders/Containers

GUIDANCE | This document provides guidelines for cleaning externally contaminated medical gas cylinders/containers.

April 2020
By: India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers’ Association (AIIGMA)
Respiratory care equipment

How to Set Up an Oxygen Flow Splitter

GUIDANCE | From the MSF Manual of Nursing Care Procedures, this note outlines how to set up an oxygen flow splitter.

April 2020
By: Médecins sans Frontières, Sean King, Kate White
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

How to Use the LifeBox Pulse Oximeter

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This is an instructional video to show the use of a LifeBox pulse oximeter in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 2020
By: LifeBox
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Gas Systems

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This presentation is meant to help medical gas professionals and healthcare facilities better understand the impact that treating COVID-19 patients may have on a hospital’s medical gas systems.

April 2020
By: MGPHO Medical Gas
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care
April 2020
By: All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers’ Association (AIIGMA)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Managing COVID-19 in Resource-limited Settings: Critical Care Considerations

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | From an urgent and pragmatic perspective, this article published in BMC Critical Care suggests creative uses of existing resources and repurposing others for human medical care.

April 2020
By: Wen Ting Siow, Mei Fong Liew, Babu Raja Shrestha, Faisal Muchtar, Kay Choong See
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Concentrators – How They Work and How to Maintain Them

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video provides an overview of oxygen concentrators, including how they work and how to maintain them.

April 2020
By: Medical Aid International
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Sources and Distribution for COVID-19 Treatment Centres

GUIDANCE | This interim guidance describes how to quantify oxygen demand, identify oxygen sources that are available, and select appropriate surge sources to best respond to COVID-19 patients’ needs, especially in LMICs.

April 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Oxygen Therapy in Maternity

TOOL | This video provides a brief overview of when oxygen therapy may be necessary in maternity.

April 2020
By: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy with Limited Resources: COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) and Pneumonia

GUIDANCE | This brief provides information on how to manage oxygen therapy in low-resource settings for severe acute respiratory infection and pneumonia in the context of COVID-19.

April 2020
By: World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA), Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
Patient care

Oxygenation Strategies in the Emergency Department: A COVID-19 Simulation Walkthrough

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | In this video, Dr. Midhun Mohan conducted a simulation exercise to help optimize the oxygenation strategies available at our disposal while managing a COVID-19 case.

April 2020
By: Marrow
Patient care

Prone Positioning for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | Rush University System for Health has developed a four-phase checklist to facilitate the process of placing a patient into the prone position.

April 2020
By: Rush University System for Health
Patient care

SEARO-IMAI Oxygen Survey at District and Regional Hospitals

TOOL | This guide and Excel tool should be used to administer the SEARO-IMAI oxygen survey at district and regional hospitals.

April 2020
By: Regional Office for the World Health Organization’s South-East Asia Region (WHO-SEARO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Converting Industrial Oxygen Cylinders and Inert Gas Cylinders for Medical Use

GUIDANCE | This SOP outlines how to convert industrial oxygen cylinders and other gas cylinders to ensure uninterrupted supply of oxygen to hospital and other healthcare facilities.

April 2020
By: Government of India Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation
Respiratory care equipment

Use of a Pulse Oximeter in the COVID-19 Pandemic

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This instructional video demonstrates how to use a pulse oximeter in the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 2020
By: LifeBox
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Technical Specifications for Invasive and Noninvasive Ventilators for COVID-19

GUIDANCE | These technical specifications describe the minimum requirements that invasive and noninvasive ventilators must comply with to ensure quality, safety, and effectiveness for COVID-19 management.

April 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

APSF/ASA Guidance on Purposing Anesthesia Machines as ICU Ventilators

GUIDANCE | This document is intended to provide guidance on using anesthesia ventilators safely and effectively as ICU ventilators.

May 2020
By: American Society of Anesthesiologists, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Asset Management Guide

GUIDANCE | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this guide offers resources to help track medical device upkeep and, over the long term, improve future procurement decisions.

May 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Baseline Assessment Manual

TOOL | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this manual provides resources to carry out the training of those involved in conducting a baseline assessment of the current status of oxygen...

May 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 Clinical Case Management Manual

GUIDANCE | This case management manual is intended to guide clinical care of patients with COVID-19 in Malawi. It is the first edition.

May 2020
By: Malawi Ministry of Health
Patient care

COVID-19 Clinical Guidance: Oxygen Therapy

GUIDANCE | This tutorial provides a quick reference on the clinical signs of severe COVID-19, when to give oxygen to COVID-19 patients, which methods can be used, and other considerations related to...

May 2020
By: African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM)
Patient care

COVID-19 Rapid Review for the Emergency Care

GUIDANCE | The purpose of this review is to present COVID-19-related questions in emergency medicine as pertains to the South African context.

May 2020
By: Emergency Medicine Cape Town (EMCT), African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM)
Patient care

COVID-19 Respiratory Care Response Coordination Project

INFORMATION BRIEF | This factsheet outlines the COVID-19 Respiratory Care Response Coordination project to support countries in the development of a comprehensive respiratory care strategy for COVID-19 and beyond.

May 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 and Oxygen: Selecting Supply Options in LMICs that Balance Immediate Needs with Long-term Cost-effectiveness

INFORMATION BRIEF | With the increased attention to oxygen supply brought by COVID-19, there is an opportunity to build adequate infrastructure to deliver oxygen in a systematic manner.

May 2020
By: Center for Global Development, Lisa Smith, Tim Baker, Gabriel Demombynes, Prashant Yadav
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Clinical Use of Oxygen: Training Package v2.0

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This set of resources includes various oxygen and pulse oximetry trainings and tools collated by Dr. Hamish Graham.

May 2020
By: Hamish Graham
Patient care

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Technical Guidance: Patient Management

GUIDANCE | This guidance document is intended for clinicians caring for COVID-19 patients during all phases of their disease (i.e. screening to discharge).

May 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Decontamination and Sterilization of Medical Devices

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course is based on the WHO manual on decontamination and reprocessing of medical devices for health care facilities, as well as in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease...

May 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Interim Guidelines on Management of COVID-19 in Kenya

GUIDANCE | These interim guidelines and protocols for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 combine both preventive and clinical management of the disease in the Kenyan context.

May 2020
By: Kenya Ministry of Health
Patient care

Medical Air and Oxygen Capacity Assessment Tool

TOOL | This tool was designed to help hospitals and health systems evaluate piped medical gas system capacity and show the usage of a particular medical gas system while different types of...

May 2020
By: American Society for healthcare Engineering
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Delivery Toolkit: Resources to Plan and Scale Medical Oxygen

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This Oxygen Delivery Toolkit provides materials to help plan, manage, and communicate the value of scaling up oxygen delivery systems and access to oxygen and pulse oximetry.

May 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Sources and Delivery Devices

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This presentation provides an introduction to oxygen delivery devices, including general terminology, high-flow vs. low-flow, the various oxygen sources, consumption tracking, delivery devices, and more.

May 2020
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

PulmCrit – Awake Proning for COVID-19

TOOL | This is a retrospective case series describing 15 nonintubated patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure who underwent proning.

May 2020
By: EmCrit Project, Josh Farkas
Patient care

Quantification and Costing Tools for Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry

TOOL | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, these two tools are Excel-based resources that quantify the potential need and associated cost for oxygen and pulse oximeters.

May 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Reference Pricing Guide

GUIDANCE | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this guide presents a framework for decision-making based on reference prices.

May 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Survive and Thrive: Transforming Care for Every Small and Sick Newborn

REPORT | This joint report focuses on the world’s most vulnerable: outlines the global problem, emphasizes progress made, and summarizes what can be done to transform inpatient care for small and sick...

May 2020
By: UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Biomedical Engineering Session Library

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This training series provides biomedical professionals with remote training, and a platform for discussion and sharing of best practices in caring for COVID-19 patients within low-resource settings.

June 2020
By: Assist International
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Biomedical Equipment for COVID-19 Case Management – Inventory Tool: Interim Guidance

TOOL | This survey assesses quantified availability and the causes for nonfunctioning of different sources of oxygen delivery and supply systems to the patient to determine priorities and re-allocation requirements.

June 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Facility Assessment Resources

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This document was created to support country decision-makers in developing and executing a comprehensive respiratory care plan to meet the demands of COVID-19.

June 2020
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Ethical Considerations for Emergency Care During COVID-19 in Africa

GUIDANCE | This document aims to clarify the ethical considerations inherent to the COVID-19 pandemic and the provision of emergency care in resource-constrained settings.

June 2020
By: African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM)
Patient care

Fighting for Breath in Afghanistan: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Afghanistan, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Bangladesh: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Bangladesh, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Chad: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Chad, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in DRC, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Ethiopia: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Ethiopia, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in India: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in India, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Indonesia: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Indonesia, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Kenya: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Kenya, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Mali: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Mali, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Niger: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Niger, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Nigeria: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Nigeria, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Pakistan: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Pakistan, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in Somalia: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Somalia, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Fighting for Breath in South Sudan: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in South Sudan, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

June 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Implementation Guide for Non-COVID-19 Essential Services in Ethiopia During COVID-19 Pandemic

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | The purpose of this document is to re-commence and maintain non-COVID-19 essential services, which were halted during the COVID-19 epidemic response in health facilities, across Ethiopia.

June 2020
By: Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health
Patient care

Maintaining Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Outbreak

GUIDANCE | This page provides different resources to maintain preventive and curative services while also meeting the demand for care of COVID-19 patients.

June 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

NHM Guidance Note on India COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Package

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This document provides the framework for preparation and implementation of the Emergency COVID Response Plan (ECRP) with details of activities necessary for effective emergency response across India.

June 2020
By: India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Patient care

Pulse Oximeter with Integrated Management of Childhood Illness for Diagnosis of Severe Childhood Pneumonia at Rural Health Institutions in Southern Ethiopia: Results from a Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMJ, this study assessed whether pulse oximetry improves health workers’ performance in diagnosing severe childhood pneumonia at health centers in Southern Ethiopia.

June 2020
By: Solomon H Tesfaye, Yabibal Gebeyehu, Eskindir Loha, Kjell Arne Johansson, Bernt Lindtjørn
Patient care

Value-based Procurement of Medical Equipment

GUIDANCE | This guide is intended to support a value-based procurement approach when planning for and procuring new medical equipment in resource-constrained health systems.

June 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning

WHO Technical Specifications for Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Oxygen Plants

GUIDANCE | This document provides technical specifications for the minimum requirements that a PSA oxygen plant must meet for use for the administration of medical-grade oxygen.

June 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

A Tipping Point for Yemen’s Health System: The Impact of COVID-19 in a Fragile State

REPORT | This report explores how COVID-19 is exacerbating the already overwhelming health crisis in Yemen and identifies several recommendations based on information from health teams in Yemen.

July 2020
By: MedGlobal
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Assessing the Hospital Surge Capacity of the Kenyan Health System in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study from PLOS One assessed the surge capacity of the Kenyan health system in terms of general hospital and intensive care unit beds in the face of the COVID-1...

July 2020
By: Edwine W. Barasa, Paul O. Ouma, Emelda A. Okiro
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Health Facility Readiness Assessment: Oxygen Availability

REPORT | This assessment aims to take stock of the status of health facilities in readiness to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including an assessment of oxygen availability as well as oxygen...

July 2020
By: Kenya Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Consumption Tracking Tool

TOOL | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this tool is designed to help track daily oxygen use and, ultimately, inform future procurement planning.

July 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Current Concepts in Community and Ventilator-associated Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in ICU Patients

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the journal Antibiotics talks about patients with pneumonia and other respiratory diseases in hospital settings.

July 2020
By: Ignacio Martin-Loeches
Patient care

Details of Medical Oxygen Manufacturers / Refillers / Suppliers, Listed with AIIGMA

TOOL | The document provides a list of medical oxygen, manufacturers, refillers, and suppliers listed with All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers’ Association (AIIGMA).

July 2020
By: All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers’ Association (AIIGMA)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Electricity Planning Guide

GUIDANCE | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this guide outlines recommendations for understanding electricity access as well as methods for improving procurement and deployment of related medical devices.

July 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Ending Preventable Newborn Deaths and Stillbirths by 2030

REPORT | The Every Newborn Action Plans provides a roadmap to end preventable newborn mortality, reduce disability, and end preventable stillbirths by 2030.

July 2020
Patient care

Fighting for Breath in Angola: A Call to Action to Stop Children Dying from Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief provides an overview of childhood pneumonia in Angola, the health and system factors that contribute to that situation, and key calls to action to appropriately address it.

July 2020
By: UNICEF, Save the Children, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Good Data Is Critical to Equitably Improve Oxygen Access: A Call to Action to Fill Data Gaps and Ensure Every Breath Counts

 ARTICLE | Availability of oxygen is not currently a standard health system indicator. The EBC coalition has been working to improve the way oxygen and key pneumonia-related indicators are collected and reported.

July 2020
By: Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Karolinska Institutet, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, PATH, Center for Public Health and Development Kenya, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition, Felix Lam, Carina King, Hamish Graham, Lisa Smith, Bernard Olayo
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

High-flow, Noninvasive Ventilation and Awake (Nonintubation) Proning in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 with Respiratory Failure

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the CHEST Journal attempts to separate fact from fiction and perception from reality pertaining to aerosol dispersion with noninvasive ventilation, high-flow nasal cannula, and awake proning.

July 2020
By: Suhail Raoof, Stefano Nava, Charles Carpati, Nicholas S. Hill
Patient care

Infographic: Helmet Setup for Noninvasive Ventilation for COVID-19 (NIV Hood)

TOOL | This infographics provides a description of the helmet setup for noninvasive ventilation for COVID-19.

July 2020
By: Helmet-based Ventilation Inc
Patient care

Practical Actions in Cities to Strengthen Preparedness for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

TOOL | This document provides local authorities, leaders, and policymakers in cities with a checklist tool to ensure that key areas have been covered for strengthening preparedness for COVID-19.

July 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Procurement Guide

GUIDANCE | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this guide describes the key steps that should be followed when procuring and contracting for an oxygen delivery system.

July 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Therapy Pocket Reference

TOOL | This card provides a summary tool on respiratory therapy, but is not a substitute for clinical decision making based on the medical condition presented.

July 2020
By: Zuckerberg San Francisco General, University of California, San Francisco
Patient care

Rwanda Plan to Increase Access to Medical Oxygen

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This presentation provides information on Rwanda’s current oxygen production and distribution, key barriers to oxygen access in Rwandan health facilities, and the country’s plans to increase oxygen access for COVID-19.

July 2020
By: Rwanda Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Summary Findings of the Inventory Assessment for Biomedical Equipment for COVID-19 Case Management in Ethiopia

REPORT | An inventory assessment was conducted in Ethiopia in all public and functional COVID-19 treatment facilities to understand the readiness and capacity of these facilities for COVID-19 case management.

July 2020
By: Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

UNICEF Oxygen System Planning Tool

TOOL | UNICEF has developed an Excel-based tool to help stakeholders plan their oxygen supply system.

July 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Use of Chest Imaging in COVID-19: A Rapid Advice Guide

GUIDANCE | This rapid advice guide examines the evidence and makes recommendations for the use of chest imaging in acute care of adult patients with suspected, probable, or confirmed COVID-19.

July 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO & CED COVID-19 Critical Topic Webinars

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | WHO and IFMBE Clinical Engineering Division partnered to host a series of COVID-19 Critical Topic 1-hour webinars during May 2020.

July 2020
By: World Health Organization, IFMBE Clinical Engineering Division
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Catalog of Training Resources for Healthcare Workers

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This catalogue provides a comprehensive list of training resources aimed to better equip healthcare workers in LMICs who are directly involved in patient care to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

August 2020
Patient care

Clinical Management Guidelines for COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Disease

GUIDANCE | This guidance document provides key information on the clinical management of COVID-19 acute respiratory disease, including case definition, modes of transmission, and diagnosis, and treatment protocols.

August 2020
By: Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports
Patient care

Health Facility Standards Guide

GUIDANCE | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this guide provides recommendations on how to create or improve high-quality, country-specific resources for health facility infrastructure and medical device requirements.

August 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

List of Nodal Officers and Volunteers for Procuring Medical Oxygen

TOOL | This document provides a list of nodal officers and volunteers for procuring medical oxygen in India.

August 2020
By: All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers’ Association (AIIGMA)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Prone Positioning for Pregnant Women With Hypoxemia Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This article published in Obstetrics and Gynecology outlines an algorithm for prone positioning of both intubated and nonintubated pregnant women.

August 2020
By: Mary Catherine Tolcher, Jennifer R. McKinney, Catherine S. Eppes, David Muigai, Amir Shamshirsaz, Kalpalatha K. Guntupalli, Joseph L. Nates
Patient care

Technical Review of Oxygen Supply

REPORT | This report provides a summary of the oxygen supply in Kenya, specifically looking at county capacity, quality of service, and country administration, operations, and safety.

August 2020
By: Kenya Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Progress Report – 1 February to 30 June 2020

REPORT | WHO published the first COVID-19 Strategic Response and Preparedness Plan on February 3, 2020.

August 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)

Access to Medical Oxygen Virtual Roundtable – Dialogue #1

REPORT | In September 2020, the Every Breath Counts coalition and the Access to Medicine Foundation co-hosted a first-of-its-kind virtual roundtable to explore opportunities to increase access to medical oxygen in LMICs.

September 2020
By: Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 and the Oxygen Bottleneck

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization outlines key gaps and challenges around providing medical oxygen to patients who need it.

September 2020
By: Tatum Anderson
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Emergency Global Supply Chain System (COVID-19) Catalogue

TOOL | This catalog lists all medical devices that may be requested through the COVID-19 Supply Portal.

September 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Therapy, Awake Self Positioning, and Noninvasive Ventilation: Lessons from Respiratory ICU

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This is the first lecture in the CMC Vellore COVID Public Lecture Series (COVID PULSE).

September 2020
By: Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore
Patient care

PIH Guide COVID-19 Part II: Clinical Management of COVID-19

GUIDANCE | This document describes the procedures for ensuring health facilities are properly equipped to manage patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

September 2020
By: Stop COVID, Partners in Health
Patient care

Revised Ceiling Price of Medical Oxygen as Fixed by National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), India

 ARTICLE | This document provides information regarding the S.O. 3322(E) Order in New Delhi on September 25, 2020.

September 2020
By: The Gazette of India: Extraordinary, India Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Trends in International Development Assistance to Combat Pneumonia

INFORMATION BRIEF | This factsheet provides an overview of international development assistance related to pneumonia, including projects focused on prevention and treatment.

September 2020
By: Development Initiatives
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Ventilator Training Alliance

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | The Ventilator Training Alliance provides a library of training and product resources for medical professionals.

September 2020
By: Ventilator Training Alliance
Respiratory care equipment

Accelerating Access and Equity to Oxygen Supply in COVID-19 and Beyond

MULTIMEDIA | This flyer provides a snapshot of the oxygen need in Ethiopia: how the country made efforts to improve oxygen access and how COVID-19 exacerbated the challenges related to oxygen access.

October 2020
By: Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health

Adaptt Surge Planning Support Tool

TOOL | The Adaptt Surge Planning Support Tool is an Excel-based graphical tool intended for policymakers and senior planners to focus on surge planning information.

October 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Leveraging COVID-19 Equipment Investments for Long-Term Improvements: Experience from Ethiopia

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This presentation highlights how Ethiopia built on their success in increasing the availability of oxygen to leverage equipment investments from the COVID-19 pandemic.

October 2020
By: Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

List of Priority Medical Devices for COVID-19 Case Management

TOOL | This list of priority medical devices in the context of COVID-19 provides descriptions for the management of patients with severe acute respiratory infection when a COVID-19 infection is suspected.

October 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Markets Matter: Closing the Oxygen Access Gap

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This PATH Live Forum disentangles key challenges impeding access—from demand planning to financing to supply and distribution systems—as well as innovative solutions to solve them for COVID-19 and beyond.

October 2020

NEST360 Resources

GUIDANCE | This collection of resources provides an evidence-based model for sustainable, high-quality hospital-based newborn care in limited-resource settings, including respiratory care and oxygen therapy.

October 2020
By: NEST360
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Predictive Value of Pulse Oximetry for Mortality in Infants and Children Presenting to Primary Care with Clinical Pneumonia in Rural Malawi: A Data Linkage Study

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in PLOS Med, this study determined mortality outcomes of infants and children diagnosed and referred using clinical guidelines with or without pulse oximetry in Malawi.

October 2020
By: Tim Colbourn, Carina King, James Beard, Tambosi Phiri, Malizani Mdala, Beatiwel Zadutsa, Charles Makwenda, Anthony Costello, Norman Lufesi, Charles Mwansambo, Bejoy Nambiar, Shubhada Hooli, Neil French, Naor Bar Zeev, Shamim Ahmad Qazi, Eric D. McCollum
Patient care

WHO Technical Consultation on Oxygen Scale Up

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | WHO convened a consultation, held over four meetings, with groups that have proven experience implementing oxygen scale up activities to accelerate oxygen access at the country level.

October 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

What Does Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Mean for Global Pneumonia Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment?

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | As highlighted in this CHEST Journal article, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed just how unprepared most countries have been to deal with widescale, rapidly increasing outbreaks of viral pneumonia.

October 2020
By: Shally Awasthi, Harry Campbell, Charles S. Dela Cruz, Hamish Graham, Leith Greenslade, Fyezah Jehan, Heather J. Zar
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

COVID-19 Oxygen Needs Tracker

TOOL | This is an interactive tool to help advocates, decision-makers, and implementers communicate the urgency of investing in access to medical oxygen and related technologies to meet the needs of COVID-1...

November 2020
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Health Workforce Estimator

TOOL | This is a set of tools to estimate the number of contact tracers needed to identify and trace a certain number of COVID-19 cases and estimate the number of healthcare...

November 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Leveraging the COVID-19 Response to End Preventable Child Deaths from Pneumonia

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | At the inaugural Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia, stakeholders from over 55 countries endorsed a declaration committing to six strategic actions to accelerate progress in reducing child pneumonia deaths.

November 2020
By: Henrietta H. Fore, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Kevin Watkins, Leith Greenslade, Seth Berkley, Quique Bassat, Philippe Duneton, Keith Klugman, Alma Golden

Markets Matter: Closing the Oxygen Gap

MULTIMEDIA | This campaign for World Pneumonia Day 2020 provides messaging, visuals, and tools to raise awareness on improvements in diagnosis and treatment, including oxygen therapy, for COVID-19 and pneumonia cases.

November 2020

Mechanical Ventilation: Management of COVID-19

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video comes from the HarvardX course, Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19. The content in this video discusses how mechanical ventilation is different in COVID-19 patients.

November 2020
By: Harvard University
Patient care

Oxygen and COVID-19: UNICEF’s Global, Rapid, and Multi-faceted Approach

 ARTICLE | UNICEF is working with governments and partners to find the best solutions to scale up oxygen for each unique country context.

November 2020
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Priority Medical Devices List for the COVID-19 Response and Associated Technical Specifications

GUIDANCE | This document describes the medical devices required for the clinical management of COVID-19, selected and prioritized according to the latest available evidence and interim guidelines.

November 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

WHO Priority Medical Devices List for the COVID-19 Response and Associated Technical Specifications

TOOL | This document describes the medical devices required for the clinical management of COVID-19, selected and prioritized according to the latest available evidence and interim guidelines.

November 2020
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

World Pneumonia Day During a Global Pneumonia Pandemic: 12 November 2020

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the American Journal of Physiology highlights some of the key issues around adequately addressing pneumonia and COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries.

November 2020
By: Leith Greenslade

Access to Medical Oxygen Virtual Roundtable – Dialogue #2

REPORT | In December 2020, the Every Breath Counts coalition and the Access to Medicine Foundation co-hosted a second virtual roundtable to hold bilateral discussions and agree to work together to close...

December 2020
By: Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID Protocols: Oxygen Care

GUIDANCE | This section on oxygen care outlines treatment options in patients, both invasive and noninvasive ventilation.

December 2020
By: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Partners in Health, Open Critical Care
Patient care

COVIDProtocols v2.0

GUIDANCE | was launched to create open access adaptable protocols for the management of COVID-19 patients, including guidelines focused on COVID-19 care in resource-limited settings.

December 2020
By: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Partners in Health, Open Critical Care
Patient care

Improving Hospital Oxygen Systems for COVID-19 in Low-resource Settings: Lessons From the Field

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | As highlighted in this Global Health: Science and Practice article, field experience from African and Asia-Pacific contexts reveal practical strategies whereby hospitals can rapidly improve their oxygen systems.

December 2020
By: Hamish Graham, Sheillah M. Bagayana, Ayobami A. Bakare, Bernard Olayo, Stefan S. Peterson, Trevor Duke, Adegoke G. Falade
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines: Oxygenation and Ventilation

GUIDANCE | This website provides current guidelines on treating COVID-19, as provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. This section emphasizes considerations for both mechanical and nonmechanical ventilation.

December 2020
By: U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Patient care

Oxigenación de Alto Flujo en Anestesia y Cuidados Críticos [High-flow Oxygenation in Anesthesia and Critical Care]

GUIDANCE | This tutorial aims to provide an overview of the use of high-flow nasal oxygenation in anesthesia and intensive care in daily practice.

December 2020
By: World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA)
Patient care

Racial Bias in Pulse Oximetry Measurement

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study analyzed paired pulse oximetry measures of oxygen saturation and measures of arterial oxygen saturation and compared the results to patients who identified themselves as White or Black.

December 2020
By: Michael W. Sjoding, Robert P. Dickson, Theodore J. Iwashyna, Steven E. Gay, Thomas S. Valley
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Care Equipment Market Report

REPORT | This market report serves as a preliminary guide to available suppliers with capacity to provide equipment for respiratory care and is intended to help buyers conduct an initial assessment of...

December 2020
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Biomedical Equipment for COVID-19 Case Management: Malawi Facility Survey Report

REPORT | This report summarizes observations from the collected data of a biomedical equipment survey and is intended to help global and national stakeholders understand COVID-19 treatment capacity in Malawi.

January 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Guidelines Dashboard

GUIDANCE | This resource aggregates guidelines for COVID-19 care from leading global health authorities and consolidates them into a single recommendation based on concordance.

January 2021
By: University of California, San Francisco, NEJM Group, Open Critical Care
Patient care

Clinical Management of COVID-19

GUIDANCE | This manual is intended for healthcare providers in Malawi to identify and provide appropriate care for patients with acute respiratory infection when COVID-19 is suspected.

January 2021
By: Public Health Institute of Malawi
Patient care

Closing the Medical Oxygen Gap in Sub-Saharan Africa

REPORT | Published by the Institute for Transformative Technologies (ITT) and Oxygen Hub, this report makes the case for a decentralized, hub-and-spoke network of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plants in sub-Saharan Africa.

January 2021
By: Institute for Transformative Technologies (ITT)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Health Systems Neglected by COVID-19 Donors

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | As highlighted in this Lancet article, weak health systems buckling under the weight of the COVID-19 pandemic have received little support from donors in the global pandemic response.

January 2021
By: Ann Danaiya Usher
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Liberia Oxygen Assessment

REPORT | CHAI supported the Liberia Ministry of Health to conduct an assessment of select facilities to understand current availability of oxygen equipment, as well as facility readiness to provide oxygen therapy.

January 2021
By: Liberia Ministry of Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Not All Pulse Oximeters Are Created Equal: Addressing Skin Pigmentation in Pulse Oximetry

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This video presentation features a panel of pulse oximetry experts sharing essential information on how pulse oximetry works, including that Masimo SET® pulse oximetry is not limited by skin pigmentation.

January 2021
By: Masimo
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pragmatic Recommendations for the Management of Acute Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation in Patients with COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-income Countries

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene outlines pragmatic recommendations for acute respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation in severe COVID-19 patients in LMICs.

January 2021
By: Ary Serpa Neto, William Checkley, Chaisith Sivakorn, Madiha Hashmi, Alfred Papali, Marcus J. Schultz
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Lessons and Risks of Medical Device Deployment in a Global Pandemic

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | To respond to the inflated costs and export restrictions on medical equipment, Mercedes HPP worked with key experts to produce a simple, purely mechanical noninvasive respiratory support device to deliver...

February 2021
By: Rebecca J. Shipley, David Brealey, Rashan Haniffa, Clare Elwell, Tim Baker, David A. Lomas, Mervyn Singer
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Nurses’ Supplemental Oxygen Therapy Knowledge and Practice in Debre Tabor General Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Open Access Emergency Medicine, this study assessed the knowledge and practice of nurses on supplemental oxygen therapy in Debre Tabor General Hospital in 2019.

February 2021
By: Shegaw Zeleke, Demewoz Kefale
Patient care

Oxygen Supplies and COVID-19 Mortality in Africa

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | As noted in this article from The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, medical oxygen is becoming a critical need as the second wave of COVID-19 unfolds in Africa and healthcare systems become...

February 2021
By: Esther Nakkazi
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Red de Aprendizaje para la Respuesta a la COVID-19 en América Latina: Guías Prácticas Para Terapia con Oxígeno Previo a Intubación en Pacientes con Neumonía COVID-19 [Learning Network for the Response to COVID-19 in Latin America: Practical Guidelines for Oxygen Therapy Prior to Intubation in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia]

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar focuses on case management and common clinical difficulties within the evaluation of hypoxemia, low-flow oxygen therapy, prone positioning, and noninvasive mechanical ventilation.

February 2021
By: Health Policy Plus project, Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project
Patient care

Social Awareness and Actions to Neutralize Pneumonia Successfully (SAANS)

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This website provides a set of resources on pneumonia in India, including childhood pneumonia management guidelines; a campaign guidance note; and other related communication materials.

February 2021
By: India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Patient care

The Lifesaving Power of Medical Oxygen

 ARTICLE | The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated global demand for oxygen and made the delivery of oxygen supplies more urgent. WHO is working in the most vulnerable countries to scale up oxygen...

February 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Improving Access to Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Medical Products in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Considerations for Effective Registration Systems

REPORT | This report presents findings of the registration status of tracer MNCH medicines and the functionality of regulatory agencies with respect to legal provisions, organization and resources, and registration processes.

March 2021
By: Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) program
Respiratory care equipment

Infographic: Comparison of Helmet NIV, Face Mask, and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

TOOL | This infographics provides a side-by-side comparison of face mask, helmet, and endotracheal intubation to demonstrate the key considerations of each option.

March 2021
By: Helmet-based Ventilation Inc
Patient care

Introduction to Airway Management by Dr. Sandra Lopez and Dr. Nico Risko

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | On March 8th 2021, Dr. Sandra Lopez presented the approach to emergency airway management and endotracheal intubation.

March 2021
By: Jhpiego
Patient care

Investing in Oxygen to Close the Oxygen Access Gap During COVID-19 and Beyond

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | CHAI and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute held a virtual event moderated by President Bill Clinton, to discuss the urgent need to expand global access to medical oxygen.

March 2021
By: Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

NEST-ED Clinical Module: Oxygen Therapy

GUIDANCE | This NEST-ED Clinical Module has been prepared to help healthcare staff and students understand when and how to use oxygen therapy in newborn care.

March 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST-ED Clinical Module: Suction Pump

GUIDANCE | This NEST-ED Clinical Module has been prepared to help healthcare staff and students understand when and how to use suction pumps in newborn care.

March 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Scenario: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a clinical scenario for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).

March 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Scenario: Oxygen Concentrator and Flow Splitter

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a clinical scenario for oxygen concentrator and flow splitter.

March 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Scenario: Suction Pump

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a clinical scenario for suction pumps.

March 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Preguntas: Presentación y Encuesta Sobre Terapias con O2 [Questions: Presentation and Survey on Oxygen Therapies]

TOOL | This reference note provides answers to key questions related to providing oxygen therapy as a treatment for COVID-19.

March 2021
By: Open Critical Care
Patient care
March 2021
By: Health Policy Plus project, Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project
Patient care

STAR-UCSF Webinar: Optimizing the Impact of Oxygen Scale Up

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | Experts from the USAID STAR-UCSF COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group present a webinar and question and answer on optimizing the impact of oxygen scale up.

March 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Anesthesia Pocket Reference

TOOL | This pocket guide contains quick reference for airway management, common induction and sedation agents and more.

April 2021
By: Open Critical Care, University of California, San Francisco, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project
Patient care

Assessing the Medical Oxygen Ecosystem: Tools from National to Primary Healthcare Levels

TOOL | This collection of tools is a resource to support meaningful assessments and better target effective interventions for those who are building the oxygen ecosystem.

April 2021
By: Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Assessment Report on the Availability of Oxygen and Biomedical Equipment in Health Facilities: City Province of Kinshasa, DRC, Facility Survey Report

REPORT | This report summarizes observations from the collected data of a biomedical equipment survey and is intended to help global and national stakeholders understand COVID-19 treatment capacity in Kinshasa, DRC.

April 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Biomedical Equipment for COVID-19 Case Management: Senegal Facility Survey Report

REPORT | This report summarizes observations from the collected data of a biomedical equipment survey and is intended to help global and national stakeholders understand COVID-19 treatment capacity in Senegal.

April 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Webinar by AIIMS, Delhi: Talk on Treatment Algorithm and Oxygen Therapy

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar by the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi discusses the treatment algorithm and oxygen therapy requirements for COVID-19.

April 2021
By: All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Patient care

COVID-19 Webinar by AIIMS, Delhi: Treatment Protocols for COVID-19

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This video by the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi discusses the update on current medical management of COVID-19, including for oxygen therapy.

April 2021
By: All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Patient care

Medical Gas Piping Systems Safety

TOOL | This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen, in this case...

April 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Medical Oxygen Fire Risk – Mitigation Measures

TOOL | This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen.

April 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

NEST-ED Technical Module: Bubble CPAP

GUIDANCE | The NEST-ED Technical Modules have been prepared to help technical staff and students understand the basics of when and how to use equipment essential to newborn care, such as a...

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST-ED Technical Module: Flow Splitter

GUIDANCE | The NEST-ED Technical Modules have been prepared to help technical staff and students understand the basics of when and how to use equipment essential to newborn care, such as flow...

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST-ED Technical Module: Oxygen Concentrator

GUIDANCE | The NEST-ED Technical Modules have been prepared to help technical staff and students understand the basics of when and how to use equipment essential to newborn care, such as oxygen...

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST-ED Technical Module: Oxygen Cylinder

GUIDANCE | The NEST-ED Technical Modules have been prepared to help technical staff and students understand the basics of when and how to use equipment essential to newborn care, such as oxygen...

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST-ED Technical Module: Pulse Oximeter

GUIDANCE | The NEST-ED Technical Modules have been prepared to help technical staff and students understand the basics of when and how to use equipment essential to newborn care, such as pulse...

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST-ED Technical Module: Suction Pump

GUIDANCE | The NEST-ED Technical Modules have been prepared to help technical staff and students understand the basics of when and how to use equipment essential to newborn care, such as suction...

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Technical Scenario: Bubble CPAP

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a technical scenario for a bubble CPAP device.

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Technical Scenario: Flow Splitter

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a technical scenario for a flow splitter.

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Technical Scenario: Oxygen Concentrator

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a technical scenario for an oxygen concentrator.

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Technical Scenario: Pulse Oximeter

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a technical scenario for a pulse oximeter.

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Technical Scenario: Suction Pump

TOOL | This tool from NEST360 provides a technical scenario for a suction pump.

April 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Operational Recommendations Resource Package

GUIDANCE | This guidance aids country teams with program design and source language for developing funding requests for accelerating COVID-19 response efforts.

April 2021
By: Partners in Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Oxygen Cylinder Safety

TOOL | This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen, in this case...

April 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen: Mapping out Production Networks

DATA DASHBOARD | Published on Gas World, this interactive map highlights the location of oxygen plants in Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Subcontinent, and South America.

April 2021
By: Gas World
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

PIH Technical Toolkit: Building Resilient Oxygen Systems

TOOL | This tool is meant to support the strengthening of oxygen ecosystems, including infrastructure design and maintenance, supply chain, training and ongoing mentorship, and clinical guideline development.

April 2021
By: Partners in Health, Build Health International, Jim Ansara, Frances Cherestal, Noah Hudelson, Forrest Shroyer, Paul Sonenthal
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Therapy and ICU Care for COVID-19: An Update

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This video by Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore describes how and when to use noninvasive ventilation for COVID-19 patients.

April 2021
By: Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore
Patient care

STAR-UCSF Webinar: Oxygen Delivery Show and Tell

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | Experts from the USAID STAR-UCSF COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group do a live demonstration and answer questions around commonly encountered respiratory care and oxygen delivery equipment.

April 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment

Standard Operating Procedure: Operation and Maintenance of Liquid Medical Oxygen Storage Tanks

GUIDANCE | This document provides step-by-step guidance on liquid medical oxygen management.

April 2021
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Ventilator Circuit, Filters, and Humidication Setup

TOOL | This visual aid provides a quick reference for common circuit, humidification system, and bacterial viral filter combinations for dual and single limb circuits and both mechanical ventilation and noninvasive ventilation.

April 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19 : Medical Oxygen

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | Science in 5 series – Episode #33 / Medical oxygen is an essential medicine in the treatment of COVID-19.

April 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Biomedical Equipment for COVID-19 Case Management: Zambia COVID-19 Treatment Facility Survey Report

REPORT | This report summarizes observations from the collected data of a biomedical equipment survey and is intended to help global and national stakeholders understand COVID-19 treatment capacity in Zambia.

May 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Bridging the Gap between Oxygen Needs and Technical Solutions

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This WHO webinar provides as introduction to the oxygen ecosystem, a holistic assessment of oxygen and biomedical equipment, and recommendations for medical device specifications and procurement.

May 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 Global Oxygen Needs and Solutions

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This WHO webinar highlights the challenges and solutions in the systems response for oxygen in COVID-19 clinical settings.

May 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Webinar by AIIMS, Delhi: Nonventilatory Oxygen Therapy for Patients of COVID-19

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This video by the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi discusses nonventilatory oxygen therapy for patients with COVID-19.

May 2021
By: All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Patient care

Complimentary Scenarios for COVID-19 Preparedness

TOOL | To assist in preparing staff and teams, Laerdal Medical and partners have created a set of free scenarios to better address COVID-19.

May 2021
By: Laerdal Medical
Patient care

Essential Considerations for Building a Medical Oxygen System

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar covers essential considerations for building a medical oxygen system, including process and planning considerations, gap analysis and production comparison, and more.

May 2021
By: Assist International, Catapillar Foundation, Build Health International, World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Facility-level Commodity Quantification Tool

TOOL | This document, which provides a tool to quantify facility-level commodities, is part of a set that provides tools and frameworks that can be locally modified to help health providers providing...

May 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Saves Lives in Somalia on the Path to UHC

 ARTICLE | This article highlights a country case study from Somalia from the 2021 progress report on the implementation of the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All (GAP).

May 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Patient Care and Clinical Outcomes for Patients with COVID-19 Infection Admitted to African High-care or Intensive Care Units (ACCCOS): A Multicenter, Prospective, Observational Cohort Study

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | The African COVID-19 Critical Care Outcomes Study aimed to determine which resources, comorbidities, and critical care interventions are associated with mortality in African critically ill COVID-19 patients.

May 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Pulse-dose Oxygen Conservation System for the COVID-19 India Crisis

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | To maximize oxygen delivery, a device has been developed to detect patient inhalation and deliver oxygen during only the inspiratory phase, which can allow cylinders to last 2-3x longer.

May 2021
By: Stanford University
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Quick Guide to Oxygen Concentrators

TOOL | This document, which features how-to information on oxygen concentrators, is part of a set that provides tools that can be locally modified to help health providers learning to provide respiratory...

May 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Care Order Set (Protocol) Templates

TOOL | These respiratory care order set templates cover the key principles for respiratory care for both adult and pediatric patients.

May 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Patient care

STAR-UCSF Clinical Technical Assistance Webinar: Oxygen Conservation Tips for the Non-engineer

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | Experts from the USAID STAR-UCSF COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group present a webinar on oxygen conservation for the non-engineer.

May 2021
By: Sustaining Technical and Analytic Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment

Access to Medical Oxygen Virtual Roundtable – Dialogue #3

REPORT | In June 2021, the Every Breath Counts coalition and the Access to Medicine Foundation co-hosted a third roundtable to engage the oxygen industry in the vital work of the ACT-...

June 2021
By: Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Adult Oxygen Therapy Escalation Algorithm

TOOL | This document, which features an algorithm to assess adult oxygen therapy escalation, is part of a set that provides tools that can be locally modified to help health providers learning...

June 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Patient care

Challenges of Hospital Oxygen Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Nepal

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene argues it is imperative that scalable, sustainable approaches to provisioning oxygen to those in greatest need are considered at...

June 2021
By: Navin Bhatt, Shristi Nepal, Richard J. Pinder, Don Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III, Shyam Sundar Budhathoki
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Common Noninvasive Oxygen Delivery Devices

TOOL | This document, which features common noninvasive oxygen delivery devices, is part of a set that provides tools that can be locally modified to help health providers learning to provide respiratory...

June 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment

Essential Considerations Related to Installing a PSA Plant

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar covers essential considerations related to installing a PSA plant, including conducting a scope and need analysis, considering overall cost, looking at the advantages of piping, and more.

June 2021
By: Assist International, Catapillar Foundation, Build Health International, World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Measuring Oxygen Access: Lessons from Health Facility Assessments in Lagos, Nigeria

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMJ Global Health, this article presents a case study on oxygen access from 58 health facilities in Lagos state, Nigeria.

June 2021
By: Hamish Graham, Omotayo E. Olojede, Ayobami A. Bakare, Agnese Iuliano, Oyaniyi Olatunde, Adamu Isah, Adams Osebi, Tahlil Ahmed, Rochelle Ann Burgess, Eric D. McCollum, Tim Colbourn, Carina King, Obioma C. Uchendu, Adegoke G. Falade
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Neonatal Oxygen Therapy Escalation Algorithm

TOOL | This document, which features an algorithm to assess neonatal oxygen therapy escalation, is part of a set that provides tools that can be locally modified to help health providers learning...

June 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy Escalation Algorithm

TOOL | This document, which features an algorithm to assess oxygen therapy escalation, is part of a set that provides tools that can be locally modified to help health providers learning to...

June 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Patient care

Pediatric Oxygen Therapy Escalation Algorithm

TOOL | This document, which features an algorithm to assess pediatric oxygen therapy escalation, is part of a set that provides tools that can be locally modified to help health providers learning...

June 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Patient care

STAR-UCSF Webinar: Oxygen Concentrator Setup, Operation, and Maintenance

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | Experts from the USAID STAR-UCSF COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group present a webinar on oxygen concentrator setup, operation, and maintenance, followed up question and answer.

June 2021
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Respiratory care equipment

UNICEF Annual Report 2020: Responding to COVID-19

REPORT | UNICEF’s 2020 Annual Report underscores how 2020 was a year like no other. School closures, increased vulnerability to abuse, mental health strains and loss of access to vital services have...

June 2021

Barriers to Access for MNCH Medical Devices: Landscape Review of Existing Evidence

REPORT | This report outlines the results of a rapid desk research exercise on maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) medical devices and the challenges/barriers they face.

July 2021
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Enabling Remote Melghat’s Journey to Self-sufficiency in Medical Oxygen

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study from Melghat in Maharashtra’s Amravati district offers insights into the challenges faced in improving and strengthening oxygen systems in difficult-to-reach areas.

July 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Global Financing Facility Oxygen Investment Case Guide

TOOL | As part of PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit, this guide describes how the Global Financing Facility investment case process can be leveraged to increase access to medical oxygen.

July 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Oxygen Generation and Storage

INFORMATION BRIEF | This supply intelligence brief series is intended to be a concise primer for decision-makers to understand the solutions available to meet a health system’s need for medical oxygen and its...

July 2021
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Systems and Quality of Care for Children with Pneumonia, Malaria, and Diarrhea: Analysis of a Stepped-wedge Trial in Nigeria

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in PLOS One, this study evaluates the effect of improved hospital oxygen systems on quality of care for children with severe pneumonia, severe malaria, and diarrhea with severe dehydration.

July 2021
By: Hamish Graham, Jaclyn Maher, Ayobami A. Bakare, Cattram D. Nguyen, Adejumoke I. Ayede, Oladapo B. Oyewole, Amy Gray, Rasa Izadnegahdar, Trevor Duke, Adegoke G. Falade
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Performance of Five Pulse Oximeters to Detect Hypoxemia as an indicator of Severe Illness in Children under Five by Frontline Health Workers in Low-resource Settings – A Prospective, Multicenter, Single-blinded, Trial in Cambodia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in eClinical Medicine, this study evaluated the performance of different types of pulse oximeters amongst frontline health workers in Cambodia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda.

July 2021
By: Kevin Baker, Max Petzold, Akasiima Mucunguzi, Alexandra Wharton-Smith, Emily Dantzer, Tedila Habte, Lena Matata, Diana Nanyumba, Morris Okwir, Monica Posada, Anteneh Sebsibe, Jill Nicholson, Madeleine Marasciulo, Rasa Izadnegahdar, Tobias Alfvén
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Get a CPAP or BiPAP Machine Ready for Use

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How get a CPAP/BiPAP machine ready for use.”

July 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Get a High-flow Nasal Cannula Device Ready for Use

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How get a high-flow nasal cannula ready for use.”

July 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Get a Mechanical Ventilator Ready for Use

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How get a mechanical ventilator ready for use.”

July 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Get a Patient Monitor Ready for Use in a Health Facility

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How get a patient monitor ready for use.”

July 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Get an Oxygen Cylinder Ready for Use in a Health Facility

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How get an oxygen cylinder ready for use.”

July 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Sub-Saharan Africa Respiratory Care Equipment Distributors

TOOL | PATH, together with the Clinton Health Access Initiative, has developed an initial landscape of respiratory care equipment distributors across sub-Saharan Africa.

July 2021
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

WHO Technical Consultation on Oxygen Access Scale Up for COVID-19

GUIDANCE | WHO convened a consultation, held over four meetings, with groups that have proven experience implementing oxygen scale up activities to accelerate oxygen access at the country level.

July 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

World Pneumonia Day: Pneumolight YouTube Channel

MULTIMEDIA | This YouTube channel provides advocacy videos in multiple languages to raise awareness on the impact and importance of pneumonia.

July 2021
By: PneumoLight

2020 Year in Review: Mechanical Ventilation During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This narrative review published in Respiratory Care systematically analyzes whether COVID-19–associated respiratory failure is essentially ARDS, with perhaps a somewhat different course of presentation.

August 2021
By: Richard Kallet
Patient care

COVID Protocols: Supplemental Oxygen

GUIDANCE | was launched to create open access adaptable protocols for the management of COVID-19 patients, including in low-resource settings.

August 2021
By: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Partners in Health, Open Critical Care
Patient care

Capacity Strengthening of Health Care Service Providers of Charitable Health Facilities

INFORMATION BRIEF | This narrative provides an insight into the successful initiatives to equip 62 CHFs with the knowledge and skills needed to manage existing critical care patients and prepare for future health...

August 2021
Patient care

Improving Access to Marginalized Population—A Case Study of Little Flower Leprosy Hospital, Bihar

INFORMATION BRIEF | This document elaborates the case of Little Flower Leprosy Hospital located in Bihar, the challenges faced by it during COVID-19 pandemic, the support extended by PATH, and learnings for the...

August 2021
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: Acare Suction Pump

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of an Acare suction pump, including assessment and preparation as well as repair and maintenance of the device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: AirSep Oxygen Concentrator

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of an AirSep oxygen concentrator, including assessment and preparation as well as repair and maintenance of the device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: Aspeed Suction Pump

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of an Aspeed suction pump, including assessment and preparation as well as repair and maintenance of the device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: Bistos Pulse Oximeter

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of a Bistos pulse oximeter, including assessment and preparation as well as repair and maintenance of the device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: Bubble CPAP

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of a bubble CPAP device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: Canta Oxygen Concentrator

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of a Canta oxygen concentrator, including assessment and preparation as well as repair and maintenance of the device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: Flow Splitter

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of a flow splitter, including assessment and preparation as well as repair and maintenance of the device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Clinical Job Aid: LifeBox Pulse Oximeter

TOOL | This clinical job aid from NEST360 provides an overview of a LifeBox pulse oximeter, including assessment and preparation as well as repair and maintenance of the device.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Training Videos

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | These NEST360 training videos demonstrate model-specific equipment setup, use, and maintenance and are used as training aids in clinical and technical training.

August 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

The CircumVent Project: A CPAP/O 2 Helmet Solution for Noninvasive Ventilation Using an Implementation Research Framework

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in PubMed: Implementation Science Communications, this study evaluated the feasibility, adaptability, and acceptability of the CPAP/O2 helmet solution for noninvasive ventilation in Nigeria.

August 2021
By: Aimalohi A. Ahonkhai, Adesola Z. Musa, André A. Fenton, Muktar H. Aliyu, Igho Ofotokun, Alex Hornstein, Baba M. Musa, Nnamdi Nwosu, Ifeoma Ulasi, Samuel Ajayi, Catherine Falade, Adedamola Dada, Aliyu Abdu, Mogaji Sunday, Adenike Odewabi, Onome Ogueh, Alan Steinbach, Gbenga Ogedegbe, Babatunde L. Salako, Oliver C. Ezechi
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Essential Emergency and Critical Care: A Consensus among Global Clinical Experts

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMJ Global Health, this study aimed to specify the content of EECC and additionally the essential diagnosis-specific care for critically ill patients with COVID-19.

September 2021
By: Carl Otto Schell, Karima Khalid, Alexandra Wharton-Smith, Jacquie Oliwa, Hendry R. Sawe, Nobhojit Roy, Alex Sanga, John C. Marshall, Jamie Rylance, Claudia Hanson, Raphael K. Kayambankadzanja, Lee A. Wallis, Maria Jirwe, Tim Baker
Patient care

First UNICEF Oxygen Plant-in-a-Box Heads to Uganda to Help with COVID-19 Response

 ARTICLE | UNICEF has developed an innovative Oxygen Plant-in-a-Box package in response to COVID-19 to help countries rapidly increase their oxygen producing capacity. This provides an example from Uganda.

September 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

High-Flow Nasal Cannula and COVID-19: A Clinical Review

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Respiratory Care, this narrative review provides an overview of the recent evidence on the physiologic rationale, risks, and benefits of using HFNC instead of conventional oxygen therapy.

September 2021
By: Claudia Crimi, Paola Pierucci, Teresa Renda, Lara Pisani, Annalisa Carlucci
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Hypoxemia Prevalence and its Adverse Clinical Outcomes Among Children Hospitalized with WHO-defined Severe Pneumonia in Bangladesh

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study in the Journal of Global Health included a secondary analysis of data obtained from icddr,b-Dhaka Hospital looking at hypoxemia and adverse clinical outcomes from severe pneumonia in children.

September 2021
By: Ahmed Ehsanur Rahman, Aniqa Tasnim Hossain, Mohammod Jobayer Chisti, David H. Dockrell, Harish Nair, Shams El Arifeen, Harry Campbell
Patient care

Improving Newborn and Pediatric Quality of Care by Strengthening Access to Safe Use of Oxygen, Pulse Oximetry, and Infection Prevention and Control Measures

INFORMATION BRIEF | These case studies demonstrate how UNICEF Bangladesh, Liberia, Kenya, and Nepal supported governments to ensure COVID-19 investments led to improved oxygen access for newborns and children.

September 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Madagascar’s National Strategic Plan for Oxygen Therapy (2021-2023)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This strategic plan for oxygen therapy aims to achieve 100% oxygen coverage at each level of the health system in Madagascar, through autonomy of oxygen production at the regional level...

September 2021
By: Madagascar Ministry of Public Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pulse Oximetry Adoption and Oxygen Orders at Pediatric Admission over 7 Years in Kenya: A Multihospital Retrospective Cohort Study

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMJ, this study characterizes the adoption and explores specific clinical and patient factors that might influence pulse oximetry and oxygen use in LMICs over time.

September 2021
By: Timothy Tuti, Jalemba Aluvaala, Samuel Akech, Ambrose Agweyu, Grace Irimu, Mike English
Patient care

The COVID-19 Oxygen Crisis: How Did We Get Here? Part 1. The Emergence of a Virus

 ARTICLE | Published on Gas World, this article explores oxygen supply chain shortages that ultimately failed to prevent the loss of many thousands of lives.

September 2021
By: Rob Cockerill
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

The COVID-19 Oxygen Crisis: How Did We Get Here? Part 2. The Healthcare State-of-Play

 ARTICLE | Published on Gas World, this articles provides an overview of lessons learned from past epidemics and the interplay between political playbooks and pandemic preparedness.

September 2021
By: Rob Cockerill
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Unmet Need of Essential Treatments for Critical Illness in Malawi

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in PLOS One, this study suggests a quality-of-care gap that may have a significant negative effect on COVID-19 outcomes and recommends a focus on the quality of essential care...

September 2021
By: Raphael K. Kayambankadzanja, Carl Otto Schell, Isaac Mbingwani, Samson Kwazizira Mndolo, Markus Castegren, Tim Baker
Patient care

WHO Pakistan Biomedical Equipment Survey

REPORT | This report highlights an assessment of biomedical equipment in Pakistan, especially focusing on oxygen supply systems.

September 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Business Models in Respiratory Care

INFORMATION BRIEF | This brief introduces the oxygen ecosystem and then outlines four business models: bulk supply agreements, cash-and-carry filling stations, direct equipment purchases, and equipment leasing.

October 2021
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 Critical Care Training Forum

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This forum focuses on teaching critical care topics followed by an open discussion for early career professionals and non-ICU trained healthcare providers.

October 2021
By: American Thoracic Society
Patient care

Changes in the Availability of Medical Oxygen and its Clinical Practice in Ethiopia during a National Scale Up Program: A Time Series Design from Thirty-two Public Hospitals

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMC Pediatrics, this study aims to evaluate whether availability of oxygen and its clinical practice in public hospitals of Ethiopia changed during the time their oxygen roadmap was...

October 2021
By: Habtamu Seyoum Tolla, Yigeremu Abebe Asemere, Alebel Yaregal Desale, Dinkineh Bikila Woyessa, Zinabie Feleke Fekadu, Alemayehu Berhanu Belete, Audrey Battu, Felix Lam
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Guidebook on Medical Oxygen Management System

GUIDANCE | This guidebook presents a comprehensive view at the entire oxygen ecosystem in Meghalaya, India and will be helpful to various stakeholders in the field.

October 2021
By: Government of Meghalaya, Nishtha, Jhpiego, PATH
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

National Roadmap to Increase Access to Medical Oxygen in Liberia (2021-2024)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This roadmap is intended to guide implementation and coordination of oxygen activities in Liberia, to provide cost estimates for implementation, and to support resource mobilization efforts.

October 2021
By: Liberia Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Technical Assistance for the Procurement and Installation of PSA Oxygen Generation Plant in India

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights PATH’s support in procuring and installing PSA plants in India.

October 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

WHO Good Manufacturing Practices for Medicinal Gases

GUIDANCE | Arising from an increased demand for medicinal gases, the World Health Organization raised the urgency for the need for guidance on good manufacturing practices for medicinal gases, including oxygen.

October 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

World Bank-Oxygen Management in Kerala. What Made the State Oxygen Positive?

INFORMATION BRIEF | Kerala’s ability to treat COVID-19 cases is a result of the timely steps that the state government took to strengthen its medical oxygen capacities. Kerala’s initiatives offer valuable insights into...

October 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Compendium of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Oxygen Ecosystem

TOOL | This compendium of frequently asked questions has been compiled from the audience questions that were posed during the webinar series on Oxygen Ecosystem conducted during September and October 2021. The...

November 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Experiences From an Implementation Model of ARI Diagnostic Device in Pneumonia Case Management Among Under-5 Children in Peripheral Healthcare Centers in India

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Clinical Medical Insights: Pediatrics, this study examined the use of multimodal pulse oximeters integrated with routine OPD of primary health centers after an abridged IMNCI training.

November 2021
By: Harish Kumar, Enisha Sarin, Prasant Saboth, Avinash Jaiswal, Nidhi Chaudhary, Jaya Swarup Mohanty, Nitin Bisht, Shailendra Singh Tomar, Anil Gupta, Ranjan Panda, Rachana Patel, Arvind Kumar, Sachin Gupta, Varun Alwadhi
Patient care

Health Facility Service Readiness Checklist

TOOL | The Health Facility Service Readiness Checklist was systematically developed to determine the facility’s service readiness for small and sick newborn care prior to NEST installation.

November 2021
By: NEST360
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Medical Devices Maintenance Campaign: An Experience of COVID-19 Emergency Response in Ethiopia

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, this paper presents the medical devices maintenance campaign experience conducted in Ethiopia as part of COVID-19 emergency response.

November 2021
By: Tadesse Waktola Gamessa, Zerihun Ketema
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Pulse Oximeter Performance, Racial Inequity, and the Work Ahead

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article proposes five priority areas for the research community and actionable changes to current regulations that will help improve oximeter accuracy and help reduce bias in pulse oximeter performance.

November 2021
By: Olubunmi E. Okunlola, Michael S. Lipnick, Paul B. Batchelder, Michael Bernstein, John R. Feiner, Philip E. Bickler
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Strengthening Access to Medical Oxygen for Women’s and Children’s Health

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar discusses medical oxygen needs for women and children, highlighting the various medical oxygen delivery systems, and presenting a series of technical resources in PATH’s Oxygen Delivery Toolkit.

November 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

The Impact of Pulse Oximetry on Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes of Acute Febrile Illness in Low-income and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMJ Global Health, this article systematically reviewed studies of any design comparing one group where pulse oximetry was used and at least one group where it was not.

November 2021
By: Rusheng Chew, Meiwen Zhang, Arjun Chandna, Yoel Lubell
Patient care

The World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists Minimum Capnometer Specifications 2021—A Guide for Healthcare Decision Makers

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | The World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA) has developed the “WFSA—Minimum Capnometer Specifications 2021”, which are published in Anesthesia & Analgesia.

November 2021
By: Adrian W. Gelb, Robert J. McDougall, Julian Gore-Booth, Phoebe-Anne Mainland
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Breathing Life into the Fight against COVID-19 in the Far-flung Villages in Kupwara District of Kashmir

INFORMATION BRIEF | These case studies from Dab Bal and Machil villages in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara district offer insights into the challenges of strengthening oxygen systems in difficult-to-reach areas.

December 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Cambodia Oxygen Preparedness Plan (2022-2025)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | The objective of this Oxygen Preparedness Plan is to identify and implement priority activities which urgently need to be undertaken to respond to the current COVID-19 outbreak in Cambodia.

December 2021
By: Cambodia Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Care, Cleaning, and Disinfection of Respiratory Equipment in Sterile Services Department

TOOL | This collection of posters are intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment in health facilities.

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Checklists for Care, Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization of Respiratory Devices

TOOL | This collection of posters are intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment in health facilities.

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Effect of High-Flow Oxygen Therapy vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Clinical Recovery in Patients With Severe COVID-19

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers sought to determine the effect of high-flow oxygen therapy through a nasal cannula in the clinical recovery of severe COVID-19.

December 2021
By: Gustavo A. Ospina-Tascón, Luis Eduardo Calderón-Tapia, Alberto F. García
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

EpiC Oxygen Quality Assurance Checklist

TOOL | The document outlines the quality assurance and risk mitigation activities and standards to follow before proceeding with an oxygen procurement.

December 2021
By: Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project
Oxygen ecosystem planning

From Production to Patient: A Roadmap to Strengthen Oxygen Access in Malawi

 ARTICLE | PATH partnered with the Malawi Ministry of Health and UNICEF to develop and launch of a roadmap to establish and maintain a comprehensive national medical oxygen ecosystem.

December 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Journey of Making a Community Health Center in Hard-to-reach Kuchai Self-sufficient in Oxygen Management

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study aims to capture the collaborative efforts to install an oxygen generation plant in one of the most remote and hard-to-reach areas of Kuchai block in Saraikela Kharsawan...

December 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Malawi’s National Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Roadmap (2021-2026)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This oxygen roadmap provides a structured and attainable plan to establish and maintain a comprehensive national medical oxygen ecosystem in Malawi.

December 2021
By: Malawi Ministry of Health, PATH, UNICEF
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Management of Pneumonia in Critically Ill Patients

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMJ, this article reviews current knowledge on the management of pneumonia in critically ill patients, including community-acquired and hospital-acquired pneumonia.

December 2021
By: Catia Cillóniz, Antoni Torres, Michael S. Niederman
Patient care

Medical Equipment Related to Oxygen Therapy – Cleaning Task Sequence

TOOL | This collection of posters are intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment in health facilities.

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medical Oxygen Supplier Landscape in Vietnam

REPORT | This report examines the state of medical oxygen supply in Vietnam and offers insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the oxygen supply system.

December 2021
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

NEST-ED Clinical Modules

GUIDANCE | Newborn Essential Solutions and Technologies-Education (NEST-ED) Clinical Modules provide educational support for each of the technologies included in the NEST360° bundle for newborn care.

December 2021
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

OpenO2 Mobile Workshops

TOOL | The OpenO2-Mobile team of biomedical engineers operate two minibuses equipped with tools and spare parts to repair oxygen concentrators around Malawi

December 2021
By: OpenO2 at the Global Health Informatics Institute
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Systems Strengthening as an Intervention to Prevent Childhood Deaths due to Pneumonia in Low-resource settings: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Cost-effectiveness

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in BMJ Global Health, this paper reviews the evidence on the effectiveness of strengthening oxygen systems on mortality for children with pneumonia — to populate estimates in the Lives...

December 2021
By: Felix Lam, Angela Stegmuller, Victoria B. Chou, Hamish Graham
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Corrective Maintenance on a CPAP/BiPAP

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform corrective maintenance on CPAP/BiPAP.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Corrective Maintenance on a Mechanical Ventilator

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform corrective maintenance on mechanical ventilators.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Corrective Maintenance on a Patient Monitor

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform corrective maintenance on patient monitor.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Corrective Maintenance on a Pulse Oximeter

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform corrective maintenance on pulse oximeters.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Corrective Maintenance on an Oxygen Cylinder

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform corrective maintenance on oxygen cylinders.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Preventative Maintenance on a High-flow Nasal Cannula

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform preventative maintenance on high-flow nasal cannula.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Preventative Maintenance on a Mechanical Ventilator

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform preventative maintenance on mechanical ventilators.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Preventative Maintenance on a Patient Monitor

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform preventative maintenance on patient monitor.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Preventative Maintenance on a Pulse Oximeter

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform preventative maintenance on pulse oximeters.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Perform Preventative Maintenance on an Oxygen Cylinder

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process: the following video focuses on “How to perform preventative maintenance on oxygen cylinders.”

December 2021
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

UNICEF Health Programme Results 2021: Key Highlights

INFORMATION BRIEF | These brochures highlight the key results for maternal, newborn and adolescent health, immunization, HIV and AIDS, and primary healthcare, as outlined in the 2021 Global Annual Results Report for Goal...

December 2021

Why the Costs of Medical Oxygen Must be included in Universal Health Coverage

TOOL | In this statement, the Every Breath Counts Coalition calls on all national governments to ensure access to pulse oximetry and oxygen free at all levels of the health system.

December 2021
By: Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Care, Cleaning, and Disinfection of BiPAP/CPAP Devices

TOOL | This poster is intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment like BiPAP or CPAP.

January 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Care, Cleaning, and Disinfection of High-flow Nasal Cannula

TOOL | This poster is intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment like high-flow nasal cannula.

January 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Care, Cleaning, and Disinfection of Invasive Mechanical Ventilators

TOOL | This poster is intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment like mechanical ventilators.

January 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Care, Cleaning, and Disinfection of Oxygen Concentrators

TOOL | This poster is intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment like oxygen concentrators.

January 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Care, Cleaning, and Disinfection of Pulse Oximeters and Patient Monitor Devices

TOOL | This poster is intended for healthcare workers, biomedical engineers, and staff in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating, and sterilizing respiratory equipment like pulse oximeters and patient monitors.

January 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Description of the Procurement and Management Systems for Medical Equipment, Supplies, and Medical Oxygen at Health Facilities in Vietnam

REPORT | The study highlighted in this report describes systems for procurement and management of medical equipment and supplies in Vietnam, including medical oxygen.

January 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

How to Design and Implement National Oxygen Roadmaps for Oxygen Scale Up: Case Study from Ethiopia

 ARTICLE | In 2016, the Ethiopian Ministry of Health designed and implemented a comprehensive oxygen and pulse oximetry scale up road map, which resulted in significant improvements in oxygen availability and clinical...

January 2022
By: Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Investing in Sustainability: Considering Power and Maintenance – Oxygen 101: Understanding the Gap

 ARTICLE | Assist International and BHI are engaged in programs to “find and fix” existing PSA plants and concentrators—highlighting the need for repair of these vital equipment on a global scale.

January 2022
By: Assist International, Build Health International, Jim Stunkel, Jim Ansara
Respiratory care equipment

Moving Across Mountains: Enabling Medical Oxygen Availability in Hard-to-reach Areas

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights PATH’s support in making medical oxygen available in hard-to-reach areas of India.

January 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Provision to Severely Ill COVID-19 Patients at the Peak of the 2020 Pandemic in a Swedish District Hospital

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in PLOS One, this study aimed to estimate the oxygen provision to COVID-19 patients with severe disease in a Swedish district hospital.

January 2022
By: Anna Hvarfner, Ahmed Al-Djaber, Hampus Ekström, Malin Enarsson, Markus Castegren, Tim Baker, Carl Otto Schell
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Preparing Hospitals’ Medical Oxygen Delivery Systems for a Respiratory “Twindemic”

 ARTICLE | Published in JAMA Network, this editorial posits how best to prepare hospitals’ medical oxygen delivery ecosystems for health emergencies.

January 2022
By: Melissa Suran
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Resources and Geographic Access to Care for Severe Pediatric Pneumonia in Four Resource-limited Settings

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study (published in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine) sought to identify healthcare facilities that were adequately resourced to manage severe pediatric pneumonia.

January 2022
By: Suzanne M. Simkovich, Lindsay J. Underhill, Miles A. Kirby, Mary E. Crocker, Dina Goodman, John P. McCracken, Lisa M. Thompson, Anaité Diaz-Artiga, Adly Castañaza-Gonzalez, Sarada S. Garg, Kalpana Balakrishnan, Gurusamy Thangavel, Ghislaine Rosa, Jennifer L. Peel, Thomas F. Clasen, Eric D. McCollum, William Checkley
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

The Open Medical Technology Manifesto

TOOL | A group of changemakers call on the world to develop and invest in open source designs for medical devices and creating an enabling environment for accessible, shareable, and easily scalable...

January 2022
By: Public Invention, Robert L. Read, Leith Greenslade, Victor Suturin, Victoria Jaqua, Sabia Abidi, Nathaniel Bechard

Vietnam Respiratory Care Equipment Supplier Landscape

REPORT | This report provides an overview of the respiratory care equipment supplier landscape in Vietnam.

January 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Good Practices in the Rational and Effective Use of Oxygen

GUIDANCE | To promote the rational use of oxygen, a set of guidelines has been put together for the development of an efficient management system to deal with situations of oxygen scarcity.

February 2022
By: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Helmet-based Positive Pressure Ventilation is a Solution for COVID-19 Treatment

GUIDANCE | This website provides useful information to clinicians about helmet use for noninvasive ventilation in patients who have respiratory distress as a complication of COVID-19.

February 2022
By: Helmet-based Ventilation Inc
Patient care

Oxygen Supply in Hospitals: Requisites in the Current Pandemic

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Anesthesia Essays and Researches, this literature review attempts to enrich readers in further strengthening the oxygen supplies in hospitals during pandemics and other natural disasters.

February 2022
By: Ragi Jain, Charu Sharma
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Care Pocket Reference

TOOL | This pocket reference provides a quick reference on respiratory care, including oxygen sources and delivery devices, respiratory mechanics, volume and pressure control, etc.

February 2022
By: Open Critical Care, University of California, San Francisco, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Standard Operating Procedure: PESO Certification

GUIDANCE | This guidance supports health facility administrators, clinical practitioners, procurement officers, biomedical engineers, infrastructure engineers, and policymakers to follow the PESO certification procedure.

February 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Training Videos for Biomedical Equipment for Oxygen Delivery Systems

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar unveils a training course that was developed to teach health workers how to manage key respiratory medical equipment safely.

February 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment

WHO COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (COVID-ESFT) v4.1

TOOL | This tool assists governments, partners, and other stakeholders to forecast the necessary volume of equipment, consumables, supplies, and drugs for supportive care and treatment of COVID-19.

February 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

World Pneumonia Day: Pneumonia Campaign Materials

MULTIMEDIA | This collection of infographics, videos and clips, available in multiple languages, provides critical tools to raise awareness on the impact and importance of pneumonia.

February 2022
By: PneumoLight, Every Breath Counts (EBC) coalition

Anesthesia Facility Assessment Tool

TOOL | This questionnaire supports the creation of a data set to help evaluate capacity for anesthesia care at a national level and to provide guidance for improving or maintaining standards for...

March 2022
By: World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Assessment Report on the Availability of Oxygen and Biomedical Equipment in Health Facilities: DRC Facility Survey Report

REPORT | This report summarizes observations from the collected data of a biomedical equipment survey and is intended to help global and national stakeholders understand COVID-19 treatment capacity in DRC.

March 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Breathing Confidence into the Value of Fit-for-purpose Oxygen Concentrators that Save Lives in Low- and Middle-income Countries

INFORMATION BRIEF | This publication outlines a human-centered design evaluation to identify opportunities to improve oxygen concentrator usability in low- and middle-income countries.

March 2022
By: COVIDaction, Elizabeth Johansen, Lynne Ruddick
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

COVID-19 Case Management Webinar Series: COVID-19 in Children and Young Persons

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar focuses on key elements to consider in the clinical management of mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 in children and young persons.

March 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Every Last One: Compassionate, Comprehensive Healthcare Powered by Scalable Oxygen and Digital Solutions

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This presentation outlines the activities of The Luke Commission in improving comprehensive health services in Eswatini, including efforts to scale up COVID-19 vaccination and strengthening oxygen delivery.

March 2022
By: The Luke Commission
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Many a Twist in the Tale of Pressure Swing Adsorption Plant Installation at the District Combined Hospital in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights PATH’s support in installing a swing adsorption plant at the District Combined Hospital in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India.

March 2022
Respiratory care equipment

Navigating COVID-19 Clinical Care Pathways Across the Healthcare System: A Practical Guide for Primary Healthcare Workers

GUIDANCE | This document offers a framework that healthcare workers can use to navigate their healthcare system and serves as a guide to connect COVID-19 patients to equitable care, including oxygen therapy.

March 2022
By: FHI 360
Patient care

Prevalence of Hypoxemia in Children with Pneumonia in Low-income and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in The Lancet Global Health, this study presents an estimated number of children who are admitted to hospital due to pneumonia with hypoxemia annually.

March 2022
By: Ahmed Ehsanur Rahman, Aniqa Tasnim Hossain, Harish Nair, Mohammod Jobayer Chisti, David H. Dockrell, Shams El Arifeen, Harry Campbell
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Clinically Use a Pulse Oximeter

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process. This training video focuses on how to clinically use pulse oximeters.

March 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Standard Operating Procedure: Operation and Maintenance of Oxygen Concentrator

GUIDANCE | The document provides, in detail, the components and functioning of an oxygen concentrator.

March 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Standard Operating Procedure: Operation and Maintenance of Oxygen Cylinders in Healthcare Facilities

GUIDANCE | This document provides guidance to all staff on safe use and operation of compressed oxygen gas cylinders in healthcare facilities.

March 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Standard Operating Procedure: PSA Plant Operations and Preventive Maintenance by the Facility Management

GUIDANCE | This is guidance regarding standard operating procedures for PSA plant operations in facilities.

March 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Clinical Care of Severe Acute Respiratory Infections – Tool kit

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | First published in 2020, this toolkit is intended for clinicians working in acute care, managing adult and pediatric patients with acute respiratory infection.

April 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Hypoxemia Prevalence and Management among Children and Adults presenting to Primary Care Facilities in Uganda: A Prospective Cohort Study

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in PLOS Global Public Health, this study assessed the prevalence and management of hypoxemia at primary care facilities in Uganda.

April 2022
By: Hamish Graham, Yewande Kamuntu, Jasmine Miller, Anna Barrett, Blasio Kunihira, Santa Engol, Lorraine Kabunga, Felix Lam, Charles Olaro, Harriet Ajilong, Freddy Eric Kitutu
Patient care

NEST-ED Clinical Module: Bubble CPAP

GUIDANCE | This NEST-ED Clinical Module has been prepared to help healthcare staff and students understand when and how to use a bubble CPAP device in newborn care.

April 2022
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST-ED Clinical Module: Pulse Oximeter

GUIDANCE | This NEST-ED Clinical Module has been prepared to help healthcare staff and students understand when and how to use pulse oximeters in newborn care.

April 2022
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Recomendaciones para Adoptar y Adquirir Plantas Generadoras de Oxígeno Mediante Adsorción por Cambio de Presión [Recommendations to Adopt and Acquire Oxygen-generating Pressure Swing Adsorption Plants]

GUIDANCE | This publication aims to give an overview to those who wish to start a process of evaluation and acquisition of oxygen-generating pressure swing adsorption plants.

April 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Get a Pulse Oximeter Ready to Use

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process. This training video focuses on how to get pulse oximeters ready to use.

April 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Respiratory Equipment Training – How to Get an Oxygen Concentrator Ready to Use

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | WHO has developed training videos on use of respiratory equipment, for every step of the process. This training video focuses on how to get oxygen concentrators ready to use.

April 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Standard Operating Procedure: Medical Gas Pipeline System

GUIDANCE | This is guidance provides step-by-step standard operating procedures for gas pipelines in health facilities.

April 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Strengthening Capacity to Effectively Manage Medical Oxygen Systems in India

INFORMATION BRIEF | This compilation of testimonials highlights PATH’s support to strengthen capacity to effectively manage medical oxygen systems in India.

April 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Strengthening Peripheral Systems to PSA Oxygen Plant: A Case of Sadar Hospital, Samastipur, Bihar, India

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights PATH’s support to strengthen peripheral systems to PSA oxygen plant in Sadar Hospital, Samastipur, Bihar, India.

April 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Children in Resource-limited Settings, Effect on Mortality and Adverse Events: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in Archives of Disease in Childhood, this study sought to determine noninvasive ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) outcomes for pediatric respiratory distress in LMICs.

May 2022
By: Kristen L. Sessions, Andrew G. Smith, Peter J. Holmberg, Brian Wahl, Tisungane Mvalo, Mohammod Jobayer Chisti, Ryan W. Carroll, Eric D. McCollum
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medicinal Oxygen Monograph for 11th Edition of the International Pharmacopoeia

GUIDANCE | This outlines the proposed update to the definition of medical oxygen, particularly the specifics of 93% and 99.5% purity of medical oxygen, as of May 2022.

May 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Racial and Ethnic Discrepancy in Pulse Oximetry and Delayed Identification of Treatment Eligibility Among Patients With COVID-19

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in JAMA Network, this journal article investigated whether there is differential inaccuracy of pulse oximetry by race or ethnicity among patients with COVID-19.

May 2022
By: Ashraf Fawzy, Tianshi David Wu, Kunbo Wang, Matthew L. Robinson, Jad Farha, Amanda Bradke, Sherita H. Golden, Yanxun Xu, Brian T. Garibaldi
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Solar Power is Inspiring Collective Actions to Strengthen Somalia’s Health System for UHC

 ARTICLE | In January 2021, Somalia’s Ministry of Health, supported by the WHO Innovation Hub and the WHO Country Office, piloted a solar-powered oxygen delivery system.

May 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Standard Operating Procedure: Getting Accreditation of Laboratory through the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)

GUIDANCE | This guidance is published as a Q&A to prepare those interested in NABL accreditation.

May 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

The International Pharmacopoeia – Medicinal Oxygen (11th Edition)

GUIDANCE | This outlines the update to the definition of medical oxygen, particularly the specifics of 93% and 99.5% purity of medical oxygen, as of May 2022.

May 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

2022 WHO Compendium of Innovative Health Technologies for Low-resource Settings

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar highlights the most updated WHO Compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings.

June 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Accelerating Impact of Innovations for Health

GUIDANCE | WHO will apply a new collaborative approach to scaling innovations in health aimed at linking the health demand in countries with the supply of mature, assessed innovations.

June 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Host Protease Activity Classifies Pneumonia Etiology

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This study – published in Immunology and Inflammation – examined a panel of nanosensors that detect the dysregulated activity of pulmonary host proteases implicated in the response to pneumonia-causing pathogens.

June 2022
By: Melodi Anahtar, Leslie W. Chan, Henry Ko, Aditya Rao, Ava P. Soleimany, Purvesh Khatri, Sangeeta N. Bhatia
Patient care

Improving Oxygen Delivery: Country Progress in the Time of COVID-19

MULTIMEDIA | This is a set of infographics that provide a snapshot of the milestones that countries have achieved over the last two years in improving access to oxygen as a critical...

June 2022
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)

Learning Resource Package for Medical Oxygen Management

INFORMATION BRIEF | This success story details the need, process, and mechanisms of developing a standardized oxygen ecosystem learning resource package for trainers.

June 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NEST360 Qualified Technologies

TOOL | The NEST360 qualified technologies are a list of newborn care technologies best suited for use in low-resource setting hospitals, including being effective, affordable, rugged, and simple to use.

June 2022
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen (O2) Planner—A Digital Solution for COVID-19 Preparedness

INFORMATION BRIEF | This success story talks about a digital tool – the O2 planner – that was an immediate-term planning tool for facilities, districts, private health sector, or public health practitioners in...

June 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Alliance

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | The Oxygen Alliance aims to improve access to oxygen in LMICs through support of small local businesses that sign and execute maintenance contracts for oxygen concentrators.

June 2022
By: Oxygen Alliance
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Procurement to Patient: Increasing Access to Medical Oxygen During the COVID-19 Pandemic

 ARTICLE | This story provides a snapshot of the milestones that countries, supported by PATH and CHAI, have achieved over the last two years in improving access to oxygen.

June 2022
By: PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Tanzania’s National Medical Oxygen Scale-Up Plan

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This plan aims to ensure availability, accessibility, and affordability of quality medical oxygen therapy to meet universal health coverage in the country.

June 2022
By: Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Compendium of Innovative Health Technologies for Low-resource Settings

GUIDANCE | This document provides guidance on appropriate and scalable innovative health technologies, including success stories and considerations, and encourages coordination among relevant stakeholder groups.

June 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

A Success Story of Strengthening Capacities on Oxygen Therapy Hub-and-Spoke Model, Gujarat

INFORMATION BRIEF | This success story demonstrates the success of its hub-and-spoke approach for strengthening the oxygen management capacities in various health facilities of Gujarat.

July 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Augmenting Oxygen Management Capacity through Upskilling—A Success Story from Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital, New Delhi

INFORMATION BRIEF | This success story highlights the importance of upskilling and capacity strengthening of internal technicians and healthcare service providers within a hospital. Availability of a trained staff within the hospital reduces...

July 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Patient care

Checklist for Pre-commissioning/Pre-startup Review of Liquid Medical Oxygen Storage Tank System

TOOL | Before a plant or facility is handed over for regular operations, it should be inspected, checked, cleaned, and verified for initiating operations. This checklist provides an overview of the pre-commissioning...

July 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Checklist for Pre-commissioning/Pre-startup Review of Medical Gas Piping Systems

TOOL | This tool is meant to be a checklist for the pre-commissioning or pre-start-up of oxygen medical gas piping system.

July 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Checklists for Liquid Medical Oxygen Storage Tank Systems

TOOL | These tools provide a checklist for pre-commissioning and then pre-installation of stand-up liquid medical oxygen storage tanks.

July 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Delivering Oxygen at Doorstep: A Case Study on Rajasthan’s Oxygen Concentrator Banks

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights the Nishtha project’s efforts to deliver oxygen directly to people’s doorsteps in Rajasthan, India through Oxygen Concentrator Banks.

July 2022
By: Nishtha, Jhpiego, PATH
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Design for Oxygen Concentrator Usability in Under-resourced Healthcare Settings

GUIDANCE | This guide highlights evaluation results and provides 12 opportunities of designing oxygen concentrators, humidifier bottles, and flow splitters to address the oxygen gap in healthcare settings in LMICs.

July 2022
By: Spark Health Design, Oxygen for Life Initiative, Center for Public Health and Development Kenya, UNICEF
Respiratory care equipment

Equitable Access to Oxygen: Sustaining COVID-19 Investments to Protect Newborns and Children Fighting for Breath

REPORT | Save the Children, PATH, and UNICEF co-hosted a roundtable at the Geneva Health Forum to discuss the critical role of oxygen as an essential medicine and a vital part of...

July 2022
By: PATH, Save the Children, UNICEF

India Medical Oxygen Posters

TOOL | PATH has created a set of eleven posters or job aids intended to support healthcare service providers and other personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of medical oxygen equipment...

July 2022
Respiratory care equipment

India Training Module: Basics of Medical Oxygen Management System

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | The Training of Trainers module is meant for providing training to those participants who are expected to effectively oversee the oxygen ecosystem at their respective levels.

July 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

India Training Module: Operations and Management of Oxygen Equipment

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This training module provides training relevant to ITI trainers and biomedical engineers to understand the operations and maintenance of oxygen or respiratory equipment.

July 2022
Respiratory care equipment

India Training Module: Oxygen Quality Testing Protocol

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This training module provides training relevant to oxygen sample preparation that is critical for medical use.

July 2022
Respiratory care equipment

India Training Module: Rational and Hygienic Use of Medical Oxygen: Medical and Nursing Personnel

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This module is meant to train medical and nursing personnel to effectively oversee the management of medical oxygen and judiciously using medical oxygen in respiratory care.

July 2022
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

India Training Module: Rational and Hygienic Use of Medical Oxygen: Personnel Handling Oxygen Devices

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | The Training of Trainers module is intended to provide training to personnel handling oxygen devices in order to meet future demand for medical oxygen.

July 2022
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Localized Solutions for Installation of PSA Plant: A Case of Ram Sagar Mishra Hospital in Lucknow, India

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights PATH’s support to identify localized solutions for the installation of a PSA plant in Ram Sagar Mishra Hospital in Lucknow, India.

July 2022
Respiratory care equipment

Manual on Conducting Oxygen Audits

GUIDANCE | This is a reference guide that provides guidance on conducting oxygen audits with an aim to debunk the myths surrounding such audits in health facilities.

July 2022
By: PATH, Jhpiego, Nishtha
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Nishtha: Compendium of Case Studies on Oxygen Systems in India

INFORMATION BRIEF | This compendium is a compilation of six case studies on ramping up of oxygen infrastructure and overall oxygen ecosystem strengthening in India.

July 2022
By: PATH, Nishtha, Jhpiego
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pre-installation Checklist for Liquid Medical Oxygen Storage Tanks

TOOL | This checklist is meant to be used by those technical staff who are managing MGPS, manifolds, PSA plants, and LMO tanks in hospitals.

July 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment

Recommendations for the Adoption and Procurement of Pressure Swing Adsorption Oxygen Generator Plants

GUIDANCE | This publication provides an overview of the process of evaluation, adoption, and acquisition of oxygen generating plants by pressure swing adsorption (PSA) by comparing technical, administrative, and financial aspects...

July 2022
By: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Respiratory care equipment

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Use of Oxygen Concentrator at Health and Wellness Centre (HWC) for Management of Hypoxia

GUIDANCE | The document details the purpose and use of an oxygen concentrator at a health and wellness centre.

July 2022
By: PATH, Nishtha, Jhpiego
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Strengthening Health Systems’ Capacities to Operate and Manage Medical Oxygen Generation, Storage and Supply Equipment

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights the Nishtha project’s efforts to strengthen health systems’ capacities to operate and manage medical oxygen generation, storage and supply equipment.

July 2022
By: Nishtha, Jhpiego, PATH
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Strengthening Oxygen Ecosystem for COVID-19 and Beyond in India

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | In order to build capacity for long-term sustainability, PATH developed, translated, and disseminated high-quality, reliable, and ready-reference knowledge products specific to India.

July 2022
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Strengthening Oxygen Utilization and Respiratory Care Ecosystems (SOURCE) Project

INFORMATION BRIEF | This factsheet offers an overview of the Strengthening Oxygen Utilization and Respiratory Care Ecosystems (SOURCE) project to support countries to equitably improve oxygen access.

July 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Sustaining PSA Functionality by Quick Onsite Handholding Support and Effective Vendor Coordination

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study highlights the Nishtha project’s efforts to sustain PSA plant functionality by quick onsite handholding support and effective vendor coordination in Odisha, India.

July 2022
By: Nishtha, Jhpiego, PATH
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Sustaining Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Functionalities: A Case of SCB Medical College and Hospital at Cuttack in Odisha, India

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study documents the journey of installing two PSA plants in SCB Medical College and Hospital at Cuttack and how oxygen supply was sustained round-the-clock to the 173 ventilators...

July 2022
By: PATH, Nishtha, Jhpiego
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Technical Support Units for Better Health Outcomes: Insights from USAID NISHTHA’s Assistance in Strengthening Oxygen Ecosystem in India

REPORT | This document dives deeper into the role of six states in India’s technical support units (TSUs) in strengthening the oxygen management systems – highlighting their contributions and impact on the...

July 2022
By: PATH, Nishtha, Jhpiego
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Management and Safe Use of Medical Devices

GUIDANCE | The WHO developed a technical series to expand the expertise in medical devices to support member states to ensure improved access, quality and use of medical products and technologies.

August 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Medical Oxygen Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags

GUIDANCE | This SOP intends to bridge the knowledge and skill gap among health care facility staff by providing in-depth information on taking samples and sending them off for gas analysis at...

August 2022
By: PATH, Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

The Long Road to Oxygen Sufficiency: The Experience of Sai Dhanwantri COVID-19 Hospital in Yavatmal

INFORMATION BRIEF | This case study from Yavatmal district of Maharashtra narrates the challenges faced by a remote hospital set up by a local trust during the oxygen crisis of COVID-19 second wave.

August 2022
Respiratory care equipment

Technology and Market Landscape: Next Generation Pulse Oximeters

REPORT | This report aims to assess the potential of multimodal pulse oximeters to improve the integrated diagnosis and treatment of illnesses for patients presenting at health facilities in LMICs.

September 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

WHO Indicator: Children Aged <5 Years with Pneumonia Symptoms Taken to a Healthcare Provider

DATA DASHBOARD | This indicator demonstrates the percentage of children aged under five years with pneumonia symptoms who are taken to a healthcare provider.

September 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Blueprint for a National Medical Oxygen Grid in India

REPORT | This report describes ways to ensure that the attention that medical oxygen has received can be leveraged to create a broader network – a grid of oxygen resources.

October 2022
By: Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) project, Swasth Alliance
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for Severe Pneumonia in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review of Contextual Factors

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in the Journal of Global Health, this systematic review looks to understand the important contextual factors that impact on implementation, effectiveness, and safety of CPAP in low-resource settings.

October 2022
By: Chris Wilkes, Rami Subhi, Hamish Graham, Trevor Duke
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

PPM Reference Price List: Oxygen Products

TOOL | The Global Fund is partnering with UNICEF to source oxygen products. The current product list, including pricing and a link to the technical specifications, can be found in this document.

October 2022
By: The Global Fund, UNICEF
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Skin Color Affects the Accuracy of Medical Oxygen Sensors

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | In this article published in Nature, two groups of researchers analyze skin pigmentation’s impact on pulse oximetry readings and its effects on people with dark skin.

October 2022
By: Matthew D. Keller, Brandon Harrison-Smith, Chetan Patil, Mohammed Shahriar Arefin
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Basic Course for Planning and Managing Medical Oxygen

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course aims to improve the planning and management of medical oxygen and to strengthen the rational, sustainable, and safe use of medical oxygen across the Americas.

November 2022
By: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Toolkit: Nursing and Respiratory Therapy

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This toolkit provides trusted nursing knowledge sourced directly from professional practice organizations, regulatory, accreditation, and best practice guidelines.

November 2022
By: Elsevier
Patient care

Childhood Pneumonia: Everything You Need to Know

 ARTICLE | This article outlines key questions related to pneumonia and its treatment and key solutions to reduce morbidity and mortality from pneumonia in children.

November 2022
Patient care

How Oxygen Matters: Stories of Impact Across the Lifespan

MULTIMEDIA | The stories gathered on this page are a collection of experiences where access to oxygen mattered – told through the eyes of patients, parents, clinicians, healthcare workers, and others.

November 2022
Patient care

Making the Case for Oxygen: Ensuring Continued Investment in Medical Oxygen Systems

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This PATH Live Forum brought together thought leaders to discuss challenges and solutions associated with sustainable oxygen access to energize long-term oxygen investment.

November 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Concentrator Specifications

TOOL | This sheet is a living document and is being populated with specifications of oxygen concentrators.

November 2022
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Therapy and Critical Care: The Case Based Series

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar series features 11 learning hubs across Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, focused on oxygen therapy and critical care medicine in the context of COVID-19.

November 2022
By: Assist International, Stanford Medicine – Anesthesia Division of Global Health Equity
Patient care

Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Report Card

REPORT | IVAC’s annual Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Report evaluates the progress across 10 high-impact indicators outlined in the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhea (GAPPD).

November 2022
By: International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC)
Patient care

Pulse Oximeter Accuracy and Limitations: FDA Safety Communication

GUIDANCE | The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing patients and healthcare providers that pulse oximeters have limitations and a risk of inaccuracy under certain circumstances.

November 2022
By: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pulse Oximetry for the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, this article looks at pulse oximetry-based indices as an alternative for the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with ARDS.

November 2022
By: Katherine D. Wick, Michael A. Matthay, Lorraine B. Ware
Patient care

Strengthening Oxygen Data Management Systems: Zambia Oxygen Data Dashboard Report

REPORT | This report provides survey results related to use of Zambia’s oxygen data dashboard, which demonstrates that the majority of respondents were aware of the dashboard, but most did not use...

November 2022
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Strengthening Oxygen Systems in Asia and the Pacific: Guidance Note

GUIDANCE | This guidance note provides a comprehensive overview of medical oxygen production, distribution, and use in Asia and the Pacific region, and explores how to improve systems over the medium and...

November 2022
By: Asian Development Bank
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO Guidelines for Malaria

GUIDANCE | The WHO guidelines for malaria provide the clinical recommendations for severe malaria cases, including when and how to administer medical oxygen.

November 2022
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Eswatini’s National Medical Oxygen Operational Plan (2023-2025)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | The overarching objective of this National Medical Oxygen Operational Plan 2023-2025 is to improve access to medical oxygen for all people in Eswatini and ensure effective use to save lives...

December 2022
By: Eswatini Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

IHME COVID-19 Projections

DATA DASHBOARD | This dashboard provides statistics related to COVID-19 that can be viewed at both global and country level.

December 2022
By: University of Washington, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

NEST360 Newborn Technology Landscape

REPORT | This NEST360 report outlines a compendium of newborn healthcare technologies, both commercially available and in development, suitable for use in resource-limited settings.

December 2022
By: NEST360
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pneumonia: Data Portal

DATA DASHBOARD | This data dashboard provides country-level data on pneumonia across the globe.

December 2022
Patient care

Pulse Oximeter Bias and Inequities in Retrospective Studies––Now What?

 ARTICLE | Published in Respiratory Care, this editorial responds to findings from a recent publication in the same journal and offers mitigation strategies so the use of pulse oximetry is safe for...

December 2022
By: Kelvin L. Moore, Koa Gudelunas, Michael S. Lipnick, Philip E. Bickler, Carolyn M. Hendrickson
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

COVID-19 Toolkit: Physicians

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This toolkit provides key clinical resources for physicians, covering topics from ARDS in adults, to pneumonia and from oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation to other areas of respiratory care.

January 2023
By: Elsevier
Patient care

Clinical Management of COVID-19: Living Guideline

GUIDANCE | The WHO COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance contains the Organization’s most up-to-date recommendations for the clinical management of people with COVID-19.

January 2023
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

Draft WHO Resolution: Increasing Access to Medical Oxygen

GUIDANCE | The WHO Executive Board decided to recommend to the 76th World Health Assembly the adoption of a resolution focused on increasing access to medical oxygen.

January 2023
By: World Health Organization (WHO)

Ghana’s National Medical Oxygen Policy

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This policy establishes the framework and lay the foundation for a national strategy for scaling-up production, availability, access, and use of medical oxygen across Ghana.

January 2023
By: Ghana Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

NIH Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines

GUIDANCE | The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines were developed to provide clinicians with guidance on caring for patients with COVID-19, as provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

January 2023
By: U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Patient care

Therapeutics and COVID-19: Living Guideline

GUIDANCE | The WHO Therapeutics and COVID-19: living guideline contains the most up-to-date recommendations for the use of therapeutics in the treatment of COVID-19.

January 2023
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

What you Need to Know about Stillbirths: Answers to Common Questions about this Tragic Loss of Life

 ARTICLE | This webpage provides answers to key questions about stillbirths.

January 2023
Patient care

Celebrating Progress toward Better Oxygen Access: Year 1 of Malawi’s Oxygen Roadmap


One year ago, Malawi launched its first National Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Roadmap. It is already helping to close the oxygen access gap.

February 2023
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Developing Key Performance Indicators for the Medical Oxygen Ecosystem through Delphi Consensus

REPORT | This report summarizes suggested key performance indicators, which can be used to measure performance and identify areas for improvement within the global medical oxygen response. 

February 2023
By: World Health Organization (WHO)

Foundations of Medical Oxygen Systems

GUIDANCE | This document has been compiled to capture definitions, technical requirements, tools and resources related to medical oxygen systems.

February 2023
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

How Rwanda’s COVID-19 Response Strengthened its Strategy on Medical Oxygen

 ARTICLE | Rwanda’s national COVID-19 response strategy greatly increased the provision of oxygen to its health facilities, which became a determining factor in the survival of the population.

February 2023
By: The World Bank, Amparo Gordillo-Tobar, Nataliya de Francisco Serpa, Francine Umutesi, Patrice Mwitende
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Malawi National Medical Equipment Baseline Inventory Report 2022

REPORT | PATH partnered with the Malawian Ministry of Health’s Health Technical Support Services (HTSS) Directorate to conduct a detailed equipment inventory survey that documents current availability and functionality of key medical...

February 2023
By: PATH, Malawi Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Inequity in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | This article in Global Health: Science and Practice highlights how expedited solutions must be balanced with locally-led and context-specific sustainability planning for oxygen sourcing and supply infrastructures.

February 2023
By: Madeline Ross, Sarah K. Wendel
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Considerations for Implementing and Adjusting Public Health and Social Measures in the Context of COVID-19: Interim Guidance

GUIDANCE | This document offers guidance for adjusting public health and social measures, while managing the risk of a resurgence of cases.

March 2023
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

List of Medical Oxygen Generators Classified According to the Quality Assurance Requirements

TOOL | The Global Fund is partnering with UNICEF to source oxygen products. The current product list, including pricing and a link to the technical specifications, can be found in this document.

March 2023
By: The Global Fund, UNICEF
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Oxygen Financing: Global Fund Opportunities

TOOL | This brief outlines key information and resources for pursuing funding for oxygen and respiratory care systems through the Global Fund via the C19RM and country grants.

March 2023
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Nigeria’s National Strategy for the Scale-up of Medical Oxygen in Health Facilities (2023-2027)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This second national strategy builds on the foundations laid by the first plan (2017-2022) for more equitable access to medical oxygen in health facilities in Nigeria.

April 2023
By: Nigeria National Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy Part 1 — History, Physiology, and Evaluation

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Oxygen is standard therapy for acute cardiopulmonary diseases, and long-term oxygen therapy is common in the outpatient setting. In part I of a two-part review in NEJM Evidence, Wemple and...

April 2023
By: Matthew Wemple, Kai Swenson, Erik Swenson
Patient care

Global Oxygen Alliance (GO2AL)


The Global Oxygen Alliance is designed to provide sustained support for low- and middle-income countries to fill yawning gaps in the availability and supply of medical oxygen.

May 2023
By: Unitaid
Oxygen ecosystem planning

WHO Resolution: Increasing Access to Medical Oxygen

TOOL | This World Health Organization (WHO) resolution recognizes and reaffirms the critical role of medical oxygen in resilient health systems planning and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for health.

May 2023
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Zambian National Medical Oxygen Strategic Plan (2022–2026)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | The Zambian National Medical Oxygen Strategic Plan 2022–2026 provides strategic direction for ensuring the supply of safe medical oxygen needed to manage clients with respiratory conditions, including COVID-19.

May 2023
By: Zambia Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Oxygen Therapy Part 2 — Indications and Toxicity

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | In this second part in NEJM Evidence, we discuss the acute and chronic indications for oxygen, the delivery of supplemental oxygen (outside of invasive and noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation), and its...

June 2023
By: Matthew Wemple, Kai Swenson, Erik Swenson
Patient care

Process Document for Setting and Operationalization of Oxygen Skill Labs

GUIDANCE | This document provides the details of setting up and operationalization of oxygen skill labs. Oxygen skill labs will employ an interactive and participatory teaching mechanism for training.

June 2023
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

WHO List of Priority Medical Devices for Management of Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes

TOOL | This publication was developed in response to the need for a reference list of priority medical devices required for management of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), focusing on cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

June 2023
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Increasing Access to Medical Oxygen: Actions to Ensure Sustained Gains

MULTIMEDIA | This World Health Assembly (WHA) high-level side event marked the adoption of the “Increasing Access to Medical Oxygen” WHA resolution and introduced the Global Oxygen Alliance (GO2AL).

July 2023
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Lesotho’s National Medical Oxygen Strategy and Scale-Up Plan (2023-2028)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | Under the four interdependent strategic objectives, this strategy provides policy and implementation framework for scaling up medical oxygen within the system in Lesotho.

July 2023
By: Lesotho Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Quality Assurance Practices for Medical Oxygen Systems: Technical Resource for Distribution- and Facility-Level Medical Oxygen Systems

GUIDANCE | This technical resource document for ensuring the quality of medical oxygen, whether produced on-site or outsourced, aims to serve as a reference and includes tools for practical application.

July 2023
By: Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) program
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Randomised Trials in Child and Adolescent Health in Developing Countries

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Each year this booklet is compiled to summarize the evidence on child and adolescent health derived from randomized or controlled trials in developing countries over the previous year.

July 2023
By: Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Paediatric Society of Papua New Guinea
Patient care

COVID-19 Tele-Education Series Resource Library

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This resource library, managed by Assist International, provides various tools and resources on COVID-19 treatment and care, including surgical care, oxygen therapy, infection control, and resource planning.

August 2023
By: Assist International
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Ethiopian Medical Oxygen Roadmap II (2022-2027)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | Their second iteration, this oxygen roadmap provides a comprehensive approach to overcome the prevailing bottlenecks and improve access to medical oxygen, diagnostics, and hypoxemia management in health facilities at all...

August 2023
By: Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Market Intelligence for Sustaining Oxygen Generation Plant Investments

INFORMATION BRIEF | There are critical gaps in the oxygen generation plant market and operational challenges that put existing and newly procured plants at risk of falling into disrepair. Between 2021 and 2023...

October 2023
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Estimated Future Mortality from Pathogens of Epidemic and Pandemic Potential

 ARTICLE | This analysis used computational epidemiology and extreme events modeling simulations to estimate the risk of future mortality from low frequency, high severity epidemics and pandemics in two important categories—respiratory diseases...

November 2023
By: Nita Madhav, Ben Oppenheim, Nicole Stephenson, Rinette Badker, Dean Jamison, Cathine Lam, Amanda Meadows
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Variability of Oxygen Requirements in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients

JOURNAL PUBLICATION | Published in the Journal of Global Health, this sub-analysis of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium database assesses the oxygen consumption requirements of COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care units.

February 2024
By: Lisa Smith, Samuel Huth, Alexander Rothkopf, Nicole White, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Jacky Suen, John Fraser
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Patient care

Medical Oxygen and Pulse Oximetry Financing: The Pandemic Fund Opportunities

TOOL | This factsheet outlines key information and resources for pursuing funding for medical oxygen and pulse oximetry through the Pandemic Fund.

April 2024
Oxygen ecosystem planning

After Landmark Meeting, Leading Health Organizations Reinforce Their Support for Countries to Integrate Medical Oxygen into Health System Planning

 ARTICLE | Members of the Global Oxygen Alliance (GO2AL) call on ministries of health, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to reinforce their commitment to integrating medical oxygen into their national...

May 2024
By: Global Oxygen Alliance

Increasing Access to Medical Oxygen in Rwanda National Strategy (2024-2027)

GOVERNMENT POLICY / STRATEGY | This strategy provides a clear roadmap for increasing access to medical oxygen to reach those in need at all levels of the healthcare system in Rwanda.

May 2024
By: Rwanda Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pulse Oximetry Primer

TOOL | This primer is a summary of resources to help decision-makers, implementers, and advocates understand the planning, policies, and technologies involved in pulse oximetry scale-up.

May 2024
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Global Oxygen Alliance Strategy: Executive Summary, 2024-2030

INFORMATION BRIEF | This summary provides an overview of the Global Oxygen Alliance (GO2AL)’s Strategy, its five key objectives, its governance, and what is needed to close the oxygen gap.

June 2024
By: Global Oxygen Alliance

The Medical Oxygen Innovation Landscape: Technologies and Business Models to Improve Access

REPORT | This report highlights significant advancements in oxygen production, distribution, and delivery, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, which are crucial for improving health care in low- and middle-income countries by addressing...

August 2024
By: Unitaid
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Global Oxygen Strategic Framework and Investment Case 2025-2030

TOOL | Closing the oxygen gap would save hundreds of thousands of newborn and child lives and is essential to achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals. To this end, the Global Oxygen...

October 2024
By: Global Oxygen Alliance
Oxygen ecosystem planning

Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Capacity Assessment for Kenya

REPORT | This report analyzes data collected via facility assessments to provide a snapshot of the medical oxygen ecosystem from 113 health facilities in seven counties across Kenya. The purpose of this...

November 2024
By: PATH, Kenya Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Capacity Assessment for Senegal

REPORT | This report analyzes and presents data collected during facility assessments of 114 health facilities in 14 provinces across Senegal, by service ward, to provide a snapshot of the country’s medical...

November 2024
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Capacity Assessment for Tanzania

REPORT | The purpose of the assessment is quantifying the country’s capacity to produce, distribute, and utilize medical oxygen. The results estimated projected oxygen needs in the country to be 29,000 liters...

November 2024
By: PATH, Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Capacity Assessment for the Democratic Republic of the Congo

REPORT | This report analyzes data collected through facility assessments from 340 health facilities in 26 provinces across DRC to provide a snapshot of their medical oxygen ecosystem. The purpose of this...

November 2024
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Gap Assessment for Zambia

REPORT | This report analyzes data collected during facility assessments of 91 health facilities in ten provinces across Zambia, by service ward type, to provide a snapshot of the country’s medical oxygen...

November 2024
By: PATH, Zambia Ministry of Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Guideline on Management of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea in Children up to 10 years of age

GUIDANCE | This guideline aims to help WHO Member States and their partners make evidence-informed decisions on the appropriate actions in their efforts to address common childhood illnesses, including pneumonia and diarrhoea.

December 2024
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Patient care

WHO Technical Specifications for Health Facility based Medical Oxygen Systems

GUIDANCE | The purpose of this document is to present a comprehensive package of technical specifications for medical oxygen system products and components: source, storage and distribution.

December 2024
By: World Health Organization (WHO)
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Biomedical Engineering Technician Training: Oxygen Concentrators

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | In this course, biomedical engineers with a strong background in biomedical engineering or electronics will be given a refresher on oxygen concentrators.

February 2025
By: Stanford Medicine – Anesthesia Division of Global Health Equity, Assist International
Respiratory care equipment

Blood Gas Analysis Essentials

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course covers crucial factors that determine oxygenation of blood in the lungs and oxygen transport and delivery to peripheral tissues.

February 2025
By: MedMastery, Michael A. Grippi
Patient care

Emergency Care of COVID-19 in Adults in Low-resource Settings

GUIDANCE | The purpose of this document is to provide clinical guidance to clinicians working in a low-resource setting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 2025
By: African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM)
Patient care

Frequently Asked Questions About Building an Oxygen Plant

TOOL | This set of questions provides basic answers for the installation and maintenance of a PSA or VSA oxygen generation plant, including overall considerations for planning a PSA system.

February 2025
By: Assist International
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Health Facility Assessment (HFA) Paper Tools

TOOL | The Health Facility Assessment (HFA) resources are systematically developed to assess service readiness for small and sick newborn care.

February 2025
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment

Implementation Toolkit for Small and Sick Newborn Care

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | This toolkit brings together knowledge, experiences, resources, and learnings for implementing small and sick newborn care services.

February 2025
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Introduction to Pulse Oximetry

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course covers the history, development, and clinical application of pulse oximetry; how a pulse oximeter works; why it is critical to monitor oxygenation saturation; and caveats of pulse oximetry.

February 2025
By: Medtronic
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Lesotho: Oxygen and Critical Care

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course provides healthcare providers with an understanding of the role of oxygen therapy in critical care.

February 2025
By: Stanford Medicine – Anesthesia Division of Global Health Equity, Partners in Health
Patient care

Mechanical Ventilation Essentials

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course covers everything you need to know about mechanical ventilation during your first night in the intensive care unit.

February 2025
By: MedMastery, Josh Cosa
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Mechanical Ventilation Training

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course provides healthcare providers with an understanding of mechanical ventilation so they can support the critical care team caring for patients receiving mechanical ventilation due to COVID-19.

February 2025
By: Imperial London College
Patient care

Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course will provide licensed medical professionals with an understanding of mechanical ventilation so they can support the critical care team caring for patients receiving mechanical ventilation due to COVID-19.

February 2025
By: Harvard University
Patient care

Noninvasive Ventilation Masterclass

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course covers the indications for noninvasive ventilation, initiation and optimization, how to monitor patients, and how to wean them from it.

February 2025
By: MedMastery
Patient care

OCC Image Library

MULTIMEDIA | This image library provides free images for educational purposes from Open Critical Care (OCC), including images of key critical and respiratory care equipment and supplies.

February 2025
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco

Open Oximetry: Pulse Oximeters

TOOL | This resource provides a list of various makes and models of existing pulse oximeters.

February 2025
By: Open Oximetry
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Open Oximetry: Study Protocols

TOOL | This list provides research study protocols to maximize accuracy, equity, and comparability of data collected by oximeter performance studies worldwide.

February 2025
By: Open Oximetry
Patient care

Oxygen Encyclopedia

REPOSITORY / TOOLKIT | The OCC Encyclopedia contains articles written by OCC editors and partners. Soon users will be able to find answers to everything to know about oxygen in this open-access, peer-reviewed encyclopedia.

February 2025
By: Open Critical Care, Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) project, University of California, San Francisco
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pulse Oximeter Frequently Asked Questions

TOOL | This frequently asked questions provides up-to-date, expert answers about oxygen supply systems, respiratory care, and pulse oximetry written by Open Critical Care and collaborators.

February 2025
By: Open Oximetry
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Pulse Oximetry: Self-learning Course

COURSE / TRAINING VIDEO | This course covers pulse oximetry use in the time of COVID-19.

February 2025
By: LifeBox
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

Reducing global inequities in medical oxygen access: the Lancet Global Health Commission on medical oxygen security

REPORT | This Commission situates medical oxygen as a multifaceted system, a vital service, and an essential medicine, and presents new estimates of global medical oxygen need, the coverage gap, and the...

February 2025
By: The Lancet Global Health
Oxygen ecosystem planning
Respiratory care equipment
Patient care

The Oxygen Series

PRESENTATION / WEBINAR | This webinar series highlights the diagnosis and therapy for hypoxemia, both pediatric and adult. It discusses oxygen saturation targets, flow of oxygen needed, and appropriate oxygen delivery devices for those...

February 2025
By: Assist International, Stanford Medicine – Anesthesia Division of Global Health Equity
Patient care